@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021814, author = {神塚, 淑子 and KAMITSUKA, Yoshiko}, journal = {名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 哲学}, month = {Mar}, note = {Laozi was tied to Taoism early. However, it is after mid-fourth century that Zhuangzi was combined with Taoism. It is important to examine the process how Zhuangzi was combined with Taoism in the six dynasties. In this article, I focus on Zhengao (真誥), Lingbao scriptures (霊宝経) and Luxiujing (陸修静). In Zhengao, the vocabularies and the thought of Zhuangzi are used for the description of Zhenren (真人) which occupies the important position in a religious view of the world of Shangqing (Supreme Purity) school. In Lingbao scriptures which were written under the influence of Buddhism thought, Zhuangzhou (荘周) is called Taishang Nanhua xianren (太上南華仙人), and the state of the enlightenment is expressed in a word jianwang (兼忘) of Zhuangzi. Luxiujing unified Taoism to be opposed with the power of the Buddhism in the fifth century. According to his writings, he made much of the thought of Zhuangzi.}, pages = {55--81}, title = {六朝道教と『荘子』 : 『真誥』・霊宝経・陸修静}, volume = {62}, year = {2016} }