@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021989, author = {Запарий, В. В. and Zapariy, V.V.}, journal = {技術教育学の探求}, month = {May}, note = {The article gives a detailed description of changes in the educational and professional level of workers of the metallurgical complex of the Urals during the maximum rise of the Soviet economy in 1970 – 1980s. The author compares the Ural level and the level of the country’s industrial development as a whole, considers achievements and challenges of human capital in the period of the authoritarian model of Soviet economic development., 科学研究費補助金事業(基盤研究(B))「北欧における職業教育・訓練の改革に関する総合的研究 : 新しい「徒弟訓練」を中心に」(研究代表者: 横山悦生)中間報告書(その3)}, pages = {75--88}, title = {Образователъный и Профессионалъный Уровенъ Рабочих Металлургического Комплекса Урала : В Условиях Мобилизационной Модели Производственных Отношений В СССР}, volume = {14}, year = {2016} }