@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021991, author = {Bayborodova, L.V. and Serebrennikov, L.N. and Sustretova, K.D.}, journal = {技術教育学の探求}, month = {May}, note = {The purpose, objectives, functions, the content of labor education are considered, the possibilities of labor education in family in the process of schooling and labor training are determined, the content and forms of labor activity, the requirements for the organization of socially useful and productive pupils’ labour activity are characterized., 科学研究費補助金事業(基盤研究(B))「北欧における職業教育・訓練の改革に関する総合的研究 : 新しい「徒弟訓練」を中心に」(研究代表者: 横山悦生)中間報告書(その3), ロシア語原文: http://hdl.handle.net/2237/24113}, pages = {99--107}, title = {Content and means of labor education of Russian schoolchildren}, volume = {14}, year = {2016} }