@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022758, author = {NAGASAKA, TETSUO and ANDO, SHIGERU and TAKAI, TOSHIYUKI and HARA, MAKOTO and SATAKE, TATUO and TAKAGI, KENTARO}, issue = {4}, journal = {Nagoya Journal of Medical Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {EKGs recorded with radiotelemetry were analysed while engaged in mountaineering at 4,200-7,000 m above sea level and in experiments performed in a hypobaric chamber on members of the expedition confined. During confinement in the low pressure chamber (at simulated altitudes of 6,000-7,500 m), fiat or inverted T wave and a marked suppression of the ST segment were observed in II, III, aVf and V2-5 leads especially on the first day. These pathological signs, however, greatly improved during the following days. The most important features in EKG during exercise in Mt. Aconcagua were 1) prolonged QT time, 2) higher voltage P wave, 3) suppression of PQ segment and 4) sinus tachycardia. 1) Low voltage P wave, 2) appearence of U wave and 3) bradycardia were characteristic changes in EKG during sleep. These results show the existence of hypertension in the pulmonary circulatory system even in subjects apparently well acclimatized to the high altitude. The mechanisms mobilized in acclimatization to long term exposure at lowered barometric pressure may be somewhat different from those of short term adaptation by repeated daily exposures to the simulated high altitude.}, pages = {377--384}, title = {An Analysis of EKG Recorded by Radiotelemetry in Mt. Aconcagua and in a Low Pressure Chamber at Sea Level}, volume = {29}, year = {1967} }