@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002302, author = {久世, 敏雄 and KUZE, Toshio and 宗方, 比佐子 and MUNEKATA, Hisako and 和田, 実 and WADA, Minoru and 後藤, 宗理 and GOTO, Motomichi and 浅野, 敬子 and ASANO, Keiko and 宮沢, 秀次 and MIYAZAWA, Shuji and 二宮, 克美 and NINOMIYA, Katsumi and 大野, 久 and OHNO, Hisashi and 内山, 伊知郎 and UCHIYAMA, Ichiro and 鄭, 暁斉 and ZHENG, Xiao-Qi}, journal = {名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科}, month = {}, note = {The purpose of this study is to present a new framework to understand social consciousness of modern adolescents. It consists of two dimensions and three domains. The former are privatization (commitment to his own life) and consciousness of the norm. The latter are home, school, and labor and a philosophy of a life. The subjects consisted of 361 junior high school students (185 boys, 176 girls), 267 high school students (144 boys, 123 girls), and 979 undergraduates (551 boys, 428 girls). Major findings obtained are summarized as follows: (1) Two dimensions we developed are effective, but need to be refined further. (2) The norm about home is granted most by junior high school students. Undergraduates accepted the norm about school most. On the other hand, the junior high school and the high school students' privatization on home is greater than the undergraduates'. The undergraduates' privatization on school is greatest of all., 国立情報学研究所で電子化したコンテンツを使用している。}, pages = {291--302}, title = {現代青年の社会意識}, volume = {33}, year = {1986} }