@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023908, author = {Nu, Nu Khaing and Ishii, Hidetoki}, journal = {中等教育研究センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study was conducted to investigate the levels of spatial ability of Myanmar middle school students across gender, age, and ethnicity by using a spatial ability test. It considered examining four spatial factors such as spatial perception, spatial orientation, spatial visualization and spatial manipulation. Therefore, the test includes four tasks; Paper Formboard for spatial perception. Figure Rotation for spatial orientation. Paper Folding for spatial visualization and Block Rotation for spatial manipulation. Fourteen hundred students from three different ethnic groups participated in this study. Age range of all participants was 13 to 15 years. Results indicated that spatial perception ability was the best among four factors of spatial ability. Elder students did better in the spatial ability test than younger students did. It was also observed that gender difference emerged depending on the type of spatial tasks. Besides. students' spatial ability levels were different due to the different ethnicity.}, pages = {15--34}, title = {Gender, Age, Ethnicity Differences in Spatial Ability of Myanmar Middle School Students}, volume = {13}, year = {2013} }