@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023951, author = {石井, 秀宗 and Ishii, Hidetoki}, journal = {中等教育研究センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is often worried that the proportion of nonresponse for open-ended question is high in Japanese middle school students. In this paper, using the data of the Achievement Test for Middle School Students in Gunma Prefecture, forty one open-ended questions in four subjects, that is, language, social science, mathematics and natural science, were clustered by indices of nonresponses and scores and several characteristics of open-ended questions were considered. As the results, eight clusters of open-ended questions were conducted. And it was found that summarization of continuous texts, writing examples, writing reasons, reading of non-continuous texts, illustration of perception, choosing words and retrieving information could be common abilities in open-ended questions across four subjects. It was also found that the proportion of nonresponse was varied by the quality and quantity of the abilities that the item measured. Moreover, it was observed that item forms and construction of answer rubrics affected the proportion of nonresponse for open-ended questions.}, pages = {1--13}, title = {無回答および得点に基いた記述式問題の項目分析 : 群馬県児童生徒学力診断テストにおける教科横断的検討}, volume = {9}, year = {2009} }