@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023966, author = {石井, 秀宗 and 安永, 和央 and 金, 由那 and 千, 鎬誠 and 朴, 賢晶 and 李, 正連 and Ishii, Hidetoki and Yasunaga, Kazuhiro and Kim, Yu-Na and Cheon, Ho-Seong and Park, Hyun-Jung and Lee, Jeongyun}, journal = {中等教育研究センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {According to PISA administered by OECD, it was noticed that the proportion of non-response for open-ended question was high in Japanese students. However, PISA was developed in the manner of Western culture. Then, it might not appropriately assess the ability of Japanese students because of unfamiliarity to the test structure or to the contents of items. In this paper, therefore, the responses of students in Japan and another country to the test which was developed by excellent school teachers in Japan were compared and more general characteristics about the ability of Japanese students were revealed. As the another country, South Korea was considered as the most suitable since South Korea was in the same East Asia culture as Japan and the score of reading literacy increased between PISA 2000 and 2006. The Korean version of the test was developed with back translation method. The 3,892 students in Japan and 232 students in South Korea took this test. As the results, it was found that the proportion of non-response of Japanese students for open-end question was not always high compared to that of South Korean students. The ability of Japanese students to fill blanks or to describe a sentence using words and sentences in the original text was more than or equal to the ability of South Korean students. However, when it came to describing examples or one's thoughts which were not necessarily in the original text, South Korean students were better than Japanese students. The last two results were also found in PISA and considered general characteristics of the ability of Japanese students. It was also found that the ability of Japanese students to read the context of continuous texts, not discontinuous texts such as graph, table and diagram, was different from that of South Korean students.}, pages = {29--43}, title = {読解テストへの応答傾向に関する日韓比較研究 : 群馬県児童生徒学力診断テストを用いた項目分析的検討}, volume = {10}, year = {2010} }