@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023997, author = {平石, 賢二 and 小倉, 正義 and 川島, 一晃 and 鈴木, あゆ美 and 高村, 洋子 and 堀田, 愛 and Hiraishi, Kenji and Ogura, Masayoshi and Kawashima, Kazuaki and Suzuki, Ayumi and Takamura, Yoko and Hotta, Ai}, journal = {中等教育研究センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The main purpose of this study was to test "focal model" proposed by Coleman in 1974. In order to do that, this study examined the c ritical period of the psychological trouble among Japanese junior high school and high school students by a longitudinal study. Surveys were administered twice at an interval of 14 months. Participants estimated each seriousness of fourteen kinds of troubles which they were confronting at that time. To test significant differences and changes on the scores of troubles among participants, ANOVAs were used. As a result, partial critical differences and changes were found in some troubles related to academic areas. On the other hand, no clear critical difference and change was found in troubles related to peer relations and family relations. In the future study, more extensive longitudinal data are needed to confirm this reaserch findings.}, pages = {13--23}, title = {中学生・高校生の悩みに関する縦断調査}, volume = {7}, year = {2007} }