@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024630, author = {Katano, Ryota and Endo, Tomohiro and Yamamoto, Akio and Abdo, Mohammad and Abdel-Khalik, Hany}, issue = {6}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology}, month = {Mar}, note = {We propose an estimation method of sensitivity coefficients of core neutronics parameters based on a multi-level reduced-order modeling approach. The idea is to use lower-level models to identify the dominant input parameter variations, constrained to the so-called active subspace, which are employed to determine the sensitivity coefficients of the core neutronic parameters. In our implementation, the lower-level model is represented by two-dimensional assembly calculations, which are employed in the preparation of the few-group cross-sections for core-wide calculations. The active subspace basis is estimated using the singular value decomposition of sensitivity matrices of assembly neutronics parameters. In numerical verification calculation, sensitivity coefficients of core characteristics for a typical three-loop PWR equilibrium-cycle are estimated using the proposed method and the direct method. Comparison of these two results shows that the proposed method well reproduces the results obtained by the direct method with lower calculation costs. Through the verification calculations, applicability of the proposed method to practical light water reactor analysis is confirmed.}, pages = {637--647}, title = {Estimation of sensitivity coefficients of core characteristics based on reduced-order modeling using sensitivity matrix of assembly characteristics}, volume = {54}, year = {2017} }