@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024775, author = {Maeda, Kazuyuki and Nakajima, Yuichi and Tanahashi, Yoshikazu and Kitou, Yoshiyuki and Miwa, Akihiro and Kanamaru, Kyoko and Kobayashi, Tetsuo and Nishiuchi, Takumi and Kimura, Makoto}, issue = {6}, journal = {Archives of Microbiology}, month = {Aug}, note = {Fusarium graminearum produces trichothecene mycotoxins under certain nutritional conditions. When L-Thr and its analogue L-allo-threonine were added to brown rice flour solid medium before inoculation, trichothecene production after 4 days of incubation was suppressed. A time-course analysis of gene expression demonstrated that L-Thr suppressed transcription of Tri6, a trichothecene master regulator gene, and a terpene cyclase Tri5 gene. Regulation of trichothecene biosynthesis by altering major primary metabolic processes may open up the possibility to develop safe chemicals for the reduction of mycotoxin contamination might be developed.}, pages = {945--952}, title = {L-Threonine and its analogue added to autoclaved solid medium suppress trichothecene production by Fusarium graminearum}, volume = {199}, year = {2017} }