@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026262, author = {千葉, 茂樹 and Chiba, Shigeki}, journal = {名古屋大学年代測定研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {The author measured air radiation dose rates (1 m above ground) at the center of Motomiya city, Fukushima Prefecture in August of 2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Public decontamination works were performed in Motomiya city from the autumn of 2015 to the spring of 2016. The author used the data obtained from these activities to analyze the effects of the decontamination works and problems encountered. With the attenuation of the radiation dose rate of the radioactive material fallen to the ground, the average value of the air radiation dose rate in August 2015 (1 m above ground) fell to 0.44 μSv/h. From various data, the value in August 2015 before decontamination works were performed was presumed to be 0.32 μSv/h. The actual value measured after decontamination works was 0.28 μSv/h, suggesting that public decontamination does have a slight effect. Public decontamination works are hindered by problems with the desk plan and problems in the practical work. Two important problems in the desk plan are the omission of shrubs in people's gardens from decontamination works and the delay in the implementation of the decontamination works up to a full 4.5 years after the nuclear accident. Three important problems with the practical work are oversights, neglect of decontaminated substances, and comer-cutting work by the crews in the field., 著者は,福島県本宮市中心部の空間放射線量率(地上1m)の測定を2012年8月,2014年8月,2015年8月,2016年8月に行った.本宮市では,2015年秋から2016年春に,公的な除染が行われた.これらのデータから,除染の効果と問題点を検討した.地上に降下した放射性物質の放射線量率の減衰から2015年8月の空間放射線量率(地上1m)の平均値は0.44μSv/hまで低下している.各種データから,除染しない場合の2015年8月の値は0.32μSv/hと推定した.実測値は0.28μSv/hであることから,公的な除染は多少の効果はあったと思われる.問題点は,机上計画の問題と,実作業の問題に分けられる.机上計画の問題は,人家の植木を除染対象から外していることである.また,除染の時期的も4.5年後では遅すぎる.実作業の問題は,(1)見落とし,(2)除染物の放置,(3)手法の限界などである.}, pages = {30--35}, title = {福島第一原子力発電所事故、除染の効果とその問題点}, volume = {1}, year = {2017} }