@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026272, author = {関根, 達夫 and 中村, 俊夫 and 星野, フサ and 前田, 寿嗣 and 岡, 孝雄 and 近藤, 務 and 米道, 博 and 山崎, 芳樹 and 赤松, 周平 and 若松, 幹男 and Sekine, Tatsuo and Nakamura, Toshio and Hoshino, Fusa and Maeda, Hisatsugu and Oka, Takao and Kondou, Tsutomu and Yonemichi, Hiroshi and Yamazaki, Yoshiki and Akamatsu, Shuuhei and Wakamatsu, Mikio}, journal = {名古屋大学年代測定研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {We, the members of a group studying the Ishikari alluvial plain, are investigating the paleoenvironment of the layer in the Quaternary period of the Atsuma area. We obtained a drilling core from the Teine area on the Sea of Japan side in 2015 and have started studying it. We conducted a pollen analysis, particle size analysis, and age analysis in the "Okaparushi" neighborhood of Fujino, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi, within the Toyohira Kawanaka basin. This report gathers findings to elucidate the paleoenvironment before the Shikotsu pyroclastic flow from the eruption of 41,000 years ago. Though our age analysis is still underway, we have obtained 43,400-42,400 cal BP from directly below the Shikotsu pumice fall deposits (Spfa). Our pollen analysis clearly elucidates the paleoclimate before the Shikotsu pumice fall deposits formed. The climate was chilly and the terrain was populated by an abundance of Picea trees., 石狩沖積低地研究会では、厚真地域の第四紀層の古環境の解明を行ってきた。2015年から日本海側の手稲地域のボーリングコアを入手し研究を進めている。本報告は、4万1千年前に噴火した支笏火砕流流下以前の古環境解明のために、豊平川中流域の札幌市南区藤野の「オカパルシ川」付近において、花粉分析、粒度分析、年代測定を行い、調査結果をまとめた。年代測定の途中経過であるが、支笏降下軽石(Spfa)直下で43,400〜42,400 cal BPが得られた。花粉分析の結果、支笏降下軽石層(Spfa1)降下前の古気候は、トウヒ属が多い寒冷な気候が明らかとなった。}, pages = {92--97}, title = {AMS14C年代測定及び花粉分析に基づく札幌市豊平川流域の支笏火砕流噴出前の古環境の考察}, volume = {1}, year = {2017} }