@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026297, author = {星野, フサ and 中村, 俊夫 and 北川, 浩之 and 岡, 孝雄 and 近藤, 務 and 米道, 博 and 関根, 達夫 and 山崎, 芳樹 and 若松, 幹男 and 赤松, 周平 and Hoshino, Fusa and Nakamura, Toshio and Kitagawa, Hiroyuki and Oka, Takao and Kondo, Tsutomu and Yonemichi, Hiroshi and Sekine, Tatsuo and Yamazaki, Yoshiki and Wakamatsu, Mikio and Akamatu, Syuhei}, journal = {名古屋大学年代測定研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {Since 1998 the authors have conducted a series of field and theoretical studies through two approaches: AMS 14C dating and pollen analysis on subject areas in Hokkaido. As a result, palaeoenvironment in the southwestern Hokkaido turned out to be strongly affected by such topographical features of the region as mountains, rivers and sea nearby. The major findings obtained are as follows: In the cold stage of 25,033− 23,866 cal.yBP, for about 1,167 years, Inaho in Okusiri Island continued to be a habitat of Larix, Conifer and Cyperaceae. Before this time, around at 33,428 cal.yBP, Picea, Abies, Betula, Haploxylon prospered and covered the area. (The yBP values obtained by Segawa et al. in the year of 2,000 are converted here into cal.yBP ones.) In the Last Glacial Maximum, 20,700 years ago on a cal.yBP basis, Sobetu, to the east of Lake Toya was covered with Artemisia together with Larix gmelini remains. The AZK-101 Core 52 meters deep, located at the estuary of the Atsuma was judged as the freshwater environment through diatom analysis (by Oka et al., 2015). In the Younger Dryas Cool Age: YD, the environment lasted out for about 700 years with Picea. Abies, Larix, and Tsuga except Cyperaceae flourishing. In the f Core in the eastern part of Karibayama, the expansion of Fagus crenata habitat started before 7,484 cal.yBP. This core is located near a hot spring. In the a Core, 500 meters northeast of the f, the Fagus habitat expansion started only just after 1,654 cal.yBP. The Core was covered with Betula for 400 years after Conifer had totally disappeared., 1998年頃より,本論文作成者たちは二つの手法:AMS14C年代測定と花粉分析により,北海道の対象地域について一連の現地調査及び学理研究を行い,南西北海道の古環境は地域の地形周辺海域の影響を強く受けていたことがわかった.主な研究成果は以下のとおりである.奥尻島北部の稲穂では25,033cal.yBP~23,866cal.yBPの間の1167年間はトウヒ属とカラマツ属にカヤツリグサ科をともなう古植生であった.この前の33,428cal.yBP前後はトウヒ属,モミ属,カバノキ属,五葉マツ型が覆っていた(これは瀬川ほか2000のyBPをcal.yBPに計算しなおしたものである).洞爺湖の東の壮瞥では20,700年前の最終氷期最寒冷期にはグイマツ大型遺体を残しヨモギ属の大草原が広がっていた.厚真川河口部のAZK-101号孔の深度52m付近は珪藻分析によって淡水域と判定されていてヤンガードリヤス寒冷期にはトウヒ属,モミ属,ツガ属が覆う環境が約700年続いた.狩場山東部のfコアでは7,484cal.yBP以前よりブナが拡大していた.ここは温泉に近い。ここより500m北東に離れたaコアではブナの拡大は1,654cal.yBPからである.aコアでは針葉樹林衰退後400年間カバノキ林が繁栄していた.}, pages = {24--29}, title = {北海道南西部の手稲前田コア,岩内コア,狩場山麓aコア,厚真AZK-101号孔および゙奥尻島北部稲穂岬露頭にお けるAMS14C年代測定と花粉分析}, volume = {2}, year = {2018} }