@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026299, author = {佐藤, 興平 and 南, 雅代 and 中村, 俊夫 and 武者, 巌 and 柴田, 賢 and Sato, Kohei and MIinami, Masayo and Nakamura, Toshio and Musha, Iwao and Shibata, Ken}, journal = {名古屋大学年代測定研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {Age of the Maebashi mudflow deposit, currently estimated to be 24,000 BP, was re-evaluated by AMS-14C dating of a wood specimen from an outcrop on the Tone River bank. The specimen yielded 22,570±60 BP (±1σ). The calibrated age was 27,180−26,589 cal BP (±2σ) and 3000 years older than the previous estimate. Origin and distribution of the Maebashi mudflow deposit were identified by 87Sr/86Sr ratios of volcanic blocks within the mudflow deposits, in comparison with 87Sr/86Sr data for surrounding volcanoes. The mudflow was generated by the collapse of Asama volcano, flowed down along the Agatsuma and Tone rivers, and deposited in the wide area around Maebashi and Takasaki. Distribution of the Stone Age remains appears to reflect the extent of the Maebashi mudflow deposit., 約2.4万年前とされてきた前橋泥流につき,利根川河岸の露頭から採取した木片のAMS-14C年代を高精度で測定し,22,570±60BP(±1σ)を得た.暦年較正した年代は27,180−26,589calBP(±2σ)となり,従来の推定より3000年ほど古いとの結論が得られた.また,泥流に含まれる安山岩質火山岩塊の87Sr/86Sr比を測定して,泥流の起源と広がりを検討した.その結果,前橋−高崎地域の平坦部のほぼ全域に浅間山起源の泥流が広がっており,その分布と泥流が流下した旧石器時代の遺跡の分布とが相関している可能性があるとの見通しが得られた.}, pages = {35--39}, title = {火山体崩壊に起因する火山災害軽減のためのパイロット研究 : 木片の14C年代測定と火山岩塊のSr同位体比からみた前橋泥流の時空分布}, volume = {2}, year = {2018} }