@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026304, author = {淺原, 良浩 and 柴田, 賢 and 鈴木, 和博 and アブドゥルザーラ イマド カディム and Asahara, Yoshihiro and Shibata, Ken and Suzuki, Kazuhiro and Abdulzahra Imad Kadhim}, journal = {名古屋大学年代測定研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age is redetermined at the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, on eight samples of the Ono type of the Hikami Granite selected from Shibata (1974). The age using the original data is 371±87 Ma, whereas the redetermined age is 368±49 Ma, and both are in agreement with each other. These ages are also in agreement with a K-Ar age of 365±34 Ma on hornblende and a CHIME age of 365±34 Ma on mantle part of monazite. Based on these age data, most part of the Ono type of the Hikami Granite is assumed to have been emplaced in late Devonian., 氷上花崗岩についてShibata(1974)が使用した大野型の8試料を選別し,名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科にてRb-Sr全岩アイソクロン年代を再測定した.元のデータによる年代は371±87Ma,再測定による年代は368±49Maであり,両者は測定誤差の範囲で良い一致を示した.これらの年代は361±9MaというK-Ar角閃石年代および365±34MaというモナザイトのマントルのCHIME年代とも一致する.氷上花崗岩大野型の多くはデボン紀末の貫入岩とみなされる.}, pages = {57--60}, title = {氷上花崗岩再訪 : 大野型のRb-Sr年代の再測定}, volume = {2}, year = {2018} }