@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027841, author = {安藤, 郁美 and ANDO, Ikumi}, journal = {名古屋大学人文学フォーラム}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is considered that native Japanese speakers learn communication strategies through contact experience with non-native speakers. Previous studies show that in two-way tasks, there are differences between the communication strategies used by native Japanese speakers who have had experience in contact situations and those who have not had much experience. This paper investigated the effect of contact experience of native Japanese speakers in one-way explanation tasks and searched for other potential factors which effect the usage of communication strategies by native Japanese speakers. The results showed that there is no significant difference in the amount of contact experience that the two groups had in this kind of task. In addition, native speakers who got “displays of not understanding” many times from the non-native speakers use “self-modifications” more than those did not get them as much. Moreover, the results of the quantitative analysis concerning “self-modifications” show that native speakers used a wider variety of ways to explain to non-native speakers when they had “displays of not understanding”.}, pages = {1--15}, title = {母語話者のコミュニケーション方略の使用に影響を与える要因 : 初級日本語学習者との一方向性のタスクを対象に}, volume = {2}, year = {2019} }