@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027861, author = {賈, 伊明 and JIA, YIMING}, journal = {名古屋大学人文学フォーラム}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study is about the usage of first and second personal pronouns by “Onee” in Japanese variety shows, focusing on the comparison with the data of Nagoya University Conversation Corpus (NUCC). “Onee”(「おネエ」) is a Japanese word which refers to transgender men, and “Onee language” refers to the way they talk. The research questions are as follows: (i) in "Onee language", what are the characteristics of each personal pronoun?, (ii) what are the characteristics o f each personal pronoun in NUCC?, (iii) what are the similarities and differences between the use of personal pronoun by cisgender men and by "Onee"? Regarding the first research question, the use of personal pronouns by “Onee” has similar features to cisgender women’s use. However, when we observe the data in “Onee language”, we can also see the use of personal pronouns which are used by cisgender men. Regarding the second research question, the investigation of NUCC shows that the use of personal pronouns by cisgender is different between men and women. Regarding the third research question, the similarities between the use of personal pronouns by cisgender and "Onee" are partly observed in the second person. On the other hand, the differences between them are seen in the first person. Particularly, female language is used by "Onee", but not used by cisgender men. As for the connection between “Onee language” and role language, we can consider that “Onee language” is a kind of role language and has the same features as role language.}, pages = {295--309}, title = {バラエティー番組における「おネエことば」の人称代名詞の使用 : 名大会話コーパスにおける人称代名詞との異同}, volume = {2}, year = {2019} }