@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027863, author = {香春}, journal = {名古屋大学人文学フォーラム}, month = {Mar}, note = {According to Searle’s theory of metaphor from the pragmatic standpoint, metaphorical expressions do not postulate any semantical change as the condition of their possibility. He thinks that the meaning of metaphorical assertion is the intentional product of speaker, and it can be utterly different from its literal meaning, but only that through such a literal meaning it can be transmitted to hearer. According to Searle every metaphorical assertion needs not to be an assertion about ‘similarity’. The cognition of similarity between source of metaphor and its target is necessary only in the process of production and understanding of metaphorical expressions, and it does not concern their semantic element. Although Searle gave the conception of similarity important role for the functioning of metaphor, he distinguished the concepts and roles of analogy from those of similarity in the theory of figurative expressions. While the cognition of similarity does an important role especially in the theory of the simile type of trope, in the case of metaphorical expression the cognition of analogical relation is important. In our investigation we have emphasized the importance of Searle’s truth -conditional analysis of figurative expressions. According to him, every utterance as ‘metaphor’ contains its own truth-condition, and therefore we cannot say that metaphorical sentences are quite arbitrary. And any metaphorical expression cannot be transformed into a completely corresponding ‘literal’ expression. Because the semantic content which emerges within the hearer’s mind could not be reproduced without some metaphorical expression. As the result of our investigation we can point out that the semantical content of metaphorical expression cannot be changed into a simile type of expression without losing any semantical content, and the cognition of ‘analogical’ relationship takes essential part in the production of metaphor.}, pages = {327--341}, title = {サールの語用論的メタファー論について}, volume = {2}, year = {2019} }