@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027928, author = {水野, 江依子 and Mizuno, Eiko}, journal = {IVY}, month = {Oct}, note = {This paper deals with the middle construction and the ergative construction in English, as in (1) and (2) respectively. (1) This cup breaks easily. (2) This cup broke. The focus of the previous analyses was the (in) transitivity of both constructions. For instance, Keyser and Roeper (1984) argue that middles are syntactically transitive, while ergatives are intransitive ; Fagan (1988) argues that both constructions are syntactically intransitive. I suggest that both constructions are syntactically transitive : in middles and ergatives, as well as in passives, the object moves to the subject position overtly. (3) a. [e] breaks this cup easily. (Middles) b. [e] broke this cup. (Ergatives) c.[e] was broken this cup. (Passives) Following Fagan (1988), I suggest that the syntactic differences between middles and ergatives are not due to the (in) transitivity of both constructions but due to the semantically different property between them. For example, middles are different from ergatives as for Out Prefixation, which creates transitives from intransitives. (4) a. The basketball outbounched the baseball. b. *Bureaucrats outbribe managers easily. (Keyser and Roeper 1984) Keyser and Roeper (1984) argue that this is because ergatives are intransitive and middles are not. This is not the case, however. Stative verbs cannot undergo Out Prefixation, even if they are intransitive. (5) *John outbelieves everyone. The Example (4) shows that middles are stative, not transitive. I propose that the middle verb and the ergative verb include the zero morphemes (i.e. Østative and Øergative, respectively), which bring each semantic property. (6) a. The cup break-Østative-s easily. b. The cup broke-Øergative. The evidence for zero morphemes of middle verbs are the unacceptability of nominalizations of middles, as in (7). (7) *the bureaucrats' easy bribery, (Pesetsky 1995) The unacceptability of this form follows straightforwardly if this nominalizes averb whose head is a zero affix, in violation of Myers's (1984) Generalization. I assume that the zero morphemes Østative and Øergative have the same feature as the passive morpheme -en in respect to the Case feature : all of them have the property that makes the functional category (AgrO) inert in the lexicon (cf. Mizuno 1996). The object must move to the subject position, as illustrated in (3), for Case to be checked. In middles, there is an implicit subject interpreted as Agent. I propose that zero morphemes play an important role for this. Chomsky (1995) notes that selectional features are determined by semantic properties of verbs. That is, the verb sleep requires its subject role to be [Animate] by its semantic properties. The same holds of zero morphemes. In middles semantic properties of zero morphemes require Actor in Action Tier (cf. Jackendoff 1990), which is the subject role, to be [Arbitrary]. Actor in Action Tier is linked to Agent in Thematic Tier, so that there is an implicit subject interpreted as Agent in middles.}, pages = {185--203}, title = {中間構文と能格構文に関する分析}, volume = {29}, year = {1996} }