@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027974, author = {Nonomura, Sakiko}, journal = {IVY}, month = {Oct}, note = {The aim of this paper is to investigate the relation between Dickens's novel Great Expectations and realism in regard to referentiality and reflexivity. "Realism" is a slippery term, which has been recklessly used and has not been given a consistent definition. The term has a relatively short history, for it first appeared in the mid-nineteenth century. The traditional concept of realism has been considered as the truthful representation of reality, and Dickens has been criticised for not fulfilling the criteron. In the twentieth century its concept has been widely diverse and all-inclusive, and its reflexive function has become more significant than its referential one. As the concept of realism has changed considerably, it has kept open the question "What is reality?" Reality means all things to all men, including fancy, dream and illusion. I interpret the novel under the assumption that reality is imagination. Dickens seems to have escaped from the limitations of Victorian realism and explored new possibilities of reality. The novel is "multilayered" with subjective constructs of reality. Pip's constructs of reality gush out of his early traumatic experiences. By the influences of Joe, Estella and Magwitch, Pip creates a fiction and takes it for reality. His direct experiences of money verify the reality of his imagination, and his impulse to suppress his memory intensifies his desire for money and gentility. By suggesting that reality is a subjective construct, Dickens's method seems to aim at the reflexivity of realism. There is an influx of such subjective constructs of reality, but the novel seems to present a certain mode of reality as a guide to Victorian morality, that is, the ideal of the gentleman. I examine the novel's referentiality to history, in comparison with Smiles's idea of gentleman represented in Self-Help. The novel seems to be a record of Pip's transition from fiction to fact, but it is only a return to another sort of fiction, the ideal of the true gentleman. With this ideal the novel achieves the referential function in two ways. First, it is loaded with ideological assumptions that it supports the social hierarchy and that it is utilised for the formation of capitalism. Second, it reflects the fact of the Victorian society creatively and critically, revealing the failure of the ideal. I consider that the novel combines the functions of referentiality and of reflexivity. In the former, it reflects the historical reality by adopting the Victorian idea of the gentleman, but the method is not objective but creative and critical. In the latter, it suggests that reality is a subjective construct and presents its world as an autonomous reality. Between realism and idealism, the novel exceeds the dualism and provides the wider perspective on reality.}, pages = {61--88}, title = {Between Realism and Idealism : The Construction of Reality in Great Expectations}, volume = {32}, year = {1999} }