@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027984, author = {大村, 光弘 and Ohmura, Mitsuhiro}, journal = {IVY}, month = {Oct}, note = {The main purpose of this paper is to show that the development of afraid and its complements underwent some general tendencies such as subjectification and semantic bleaching,and to explain it on the basis of the hierarchical model of the utterance in (1). (1) [speech attitude (SA) [propositional attitude (PA) [proposition (P)]]] (1) indicates that the utterance consists of the three hierarchically ordered layers. P is the linguistic description of a state of affairs. PA is the speaker's psychological attitude towards P at the moment of speech. SA is, for example, the speaker's psychological attitude towards the manner of speech at the moment of speech. I will argue that the semantic functions of afraid changed from part of P to PA, from PA to a modifier of PA. and then from a modifier of PA to SA. The development of the complements of afraid can be schematized as follows: (2) (of +) NP [that-clause with a modal][indicative that-clause][to-infinitival clause][(of +) gerundive clause] (2) shows that three types of complement clauses were added to the most basic complement type, that is, (of +) NP. Consequently, they gave rise to a typical modality expression I am afraid which expressed the speaker's psychological attitude towards a proposition at the moment of speech. (3) a. I'm afraid that I might hurt his feelings. b. I'm afraid to hurt his feelings. c. I'm afraid of hurting his feelings. It is very interesting that (I am) afraid which took a that-clause underwent further semantic changes, one of which can be exemplified by (4). (4) Jane Eyre: I am afraid you are disappointed in me, Bessie. (1847, Brontë, Jane Eyre)Afraid in this example does not express Jane's emotional reaction to the proposition, but modifies her primary propositional attitude (i.e., her assertive judgement) by expressing her unpleasant feeling to it. This function of (I am) afraid is comparable to the although-clause in (5). (5) Although this may be unpleasant, I (dare to) think... I will propose that in (4), the semantic function of I'm afraid has shifted from expressing a propositional attitude to mitigating the force of assertive judgement. Notice that the semantic function of I'm afraid in (5) is more abstract than expressing a propositional attitude. The further change that (I am) afraid underwent can be exemplified by (6). (6) Benjamin Wallace: I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news for you. (1995, Sheldon, Nothing Lasts Forever) Afraid in this example does not express Benjamin's emotional reaction to the proposition or mitigate the force of his assertive judgement, but expresses his speech attitude of modifying the manner of presenting the proposition to the hearer. This function of I'm afraid is comparable to the although-clause in (7). (7) Although this may be unpleasant to you, I (dare to) say... I will propose that in (6), the semantic function of I'm afraid has shifted from mitigating the force of assertive judgement to modifying the manner of presenting the proposition to the hearer. Notice that the semantic function of I'm afraid in (7) is more abstract than mitigating the force of assertive judgement.}, pages = {31--57}, title = {On the Directionality of Language Change : A Case of the Functional Shift of Afraid}, volume = {35}, year = {2002} }