@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028035, author = {岡, 孝雄 and 星野, フサ and 中村, 俊夫 and 赤松, 周平 and 近藤, 務 and 米道, 博 and 関根, 達夫 and 山崎, 芳樹 and 若松, 幹男 and Oka, Takao and Hoshino, Fusa and Nakamura, Toshio and Akamatsu, Shuhei and Kondo, Tsutomu and Yonemichi, Hiroshi and Sekine, Tatsuo and Yamazaki, Yoshiki and Wakamatsu, Mikio}, journal = {名古屋大学年代測定研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Iwanai Plain lies on the coast of Sea of Japan, southwestern Hokkaido. The authors have researched two boring cores (IWS-1 and IWS-2) in Sokonai branch of Horikappu River by means of lithological analysis, AMS14C-dating, and pollen analysis, and illustrated the geological profile along the branch from boring logs. This study revealed that the section from the ground level to 19.35 m in depth of IWS-1 core (30.45 m in length) is considered as an alluvium (Chuseki-so) consisting of land elevation part, uppermost part of peat and main part of mud and sand in descending order. On the other hand, the section below 19.35 m of IWS-1 core, which showed the AMS14C date of >49,700 cal.yBP, is considered as the stratum MIS 7 based on comparison with the upper part of the column 100 m all-core boring in northwestern corner of Imanai-daichi Plateau., 北海道岩内平野の堀株川支流宿内川沿いでの30.45m,12m長のボーリング孔のコア観察,AMS14C年代測定,花粉分析を行い,周辺のボーリング資料を収集し,断面解析を行った.その結果,両ボーリング孔では深度19.35m(標高-12.3m)に沖積層の下限があり,沖積層は上位より,堤防盛土,最上部泥炭層,主部泥砂層に区分できる.沖積層の下位層(更新統)については,>49,700cal.yBP[NUTA2-25953]のAMS14C年代が得られ,岩内台地北西端の100mオールコアボーリング孔への対比からMIS7?期ではないかと考えられる.}, pages = {23--30}, title = {北海道岩内平野の沖積層とその下位層のAMS14C年代測定および花粉分析}, volume = {3}, year = {2019} }