@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028084, author = {Nimura, Shinichi}, journal = {IVY}, month = {Nov}, note = {It has been observed that derived nominals and -ing nominals behave differently in inheriting the argument structure of their base verbs, as illustrated in (1) and (2). (1) a. John's collection of stamps b. John's collecting of stamps (2) a. *John's clearance of the table of dishes (Pesetsky 1995: 151) b. John's clearing of the table of dishes (Ito 2002: 235) Derived nominals can inherit the argument structure of two place predicates, whereas they cannot inherit that of three place predicates. On the other hand, -ing nominals can inherit the argument structure of both types of predicates. This indicates that -ing nominals are more regular with respect to argument inheritance than derived nominals. This paper investigates why these two types of deverbal nominals exhibit the different patterns of argument inheritance. I propose the level ordering hypothesis that they are formed at different levels in the lexical component, as a result of which their inheritance behavior is governed by different mechanisms associated with different levels. More specifically, it is argued that there is a level-sensitive principle that restricts argument inheritance at the level where derived nominals are formed, whereas there are no restrictions on argument inheritance at the level where -ing nominals are formed. It is shown that the inheritance principle based on the thematic hierarchy proposed by Nimura (2004) is responsible for inheritance phenomena observed at the level where derived nominals are formed.}, pages = {81--106}, title = {Argument Inheritance : A Level Ordering Approach}, volume = {40}, year = {2007} }