@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028785, author = {李, 璐 and 玉岡, 賀津雄 and Li, Lu and Tamaoka, Katsuo}, journal = {ことばの科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究では、中国人日本語学習者98名を対象に、日本語で音声提示された「依頼」「誘い」「断り」の3種類の間接発話行為に対して、口頭で適切に対応できるかどうかを考察した。学習者が間接発話行為に対する理解から対応までのプロセスを、字義的意味が理解された後に、話し手の意図的意味が推論され、適切な対応に至るという理解・推論・対応の3つの段階を仮定した。そして、学習者の産出した対応を3つの段階で、「(1)意味不明」「(2)字義的表現による対応」「(3)語棄と文法の誤りを含む対応」「(4)適切な対応」の4つに分類した。その結果、約6劃の学習者が間接発話行為に適切に対応できた。分類木分析の結果、3種類の間接発話行為ごとに、3つの段階の4つの対応において異なる反応のパターンがみられた。, This study aimed to examine responses for the three types of indirect speech acts: request, invitation and refusal. These speech acts were aurally presented to 98 native Chinese speakers leaning Japanese. All responses were recorded to analyze their response appropriateness. The processing model for understanding and responding to the indirect speech acts was assumed to consist of the three stages based on Grice (1975) and Searle (1975): namely, (1) understanding literal meanings, (2) comprehending the indirectly-expressed intentions, and (3) responding by grammatically/semantically-correct appropriate expressions. According to this model, responses by Chinese participants were evaluated in four steps: (1) understandable expressions, (2) semantically/grammatically correct direct response that lack indirect intension underntanding (3) semantically/grammatically incorrect expressions with underntanding indirect intentions, and (4) appropriate expressions. The results indicated that approximately 60% of responses were correct as classified in step 4. A decision tree analysis indicated that responding patterns differed in the four evaluations across the three indirect speech acts, and displayed the order of accuracy, refusal