@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029056, author = {高江洲, 昌哉 and Takaesu, Masaya}, journal = {JunCture : 超域的日本文化研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {While on the one hand SaigoTakamori was praised as being a “revolutionary of selflessness” and positiveness (made into a great man depending on the era), on the other hand, he also received broad criticism and a reputation as an “invader” due to his involvement in the Seikanron dispute. How his experience of being banished to Amami Islands on the periphery of Japan influenced his personality has already been studied, but the issue of historical documents has not been discussed thoroughly. This paper discusses the positioning of the Amami Islands in Saigo Takamori and considers how the perspective of “boundary studies” can innovate the study of historical figures, including the publically honored., 「参考資料:学生のレポート等コメント」は都合により掲載しておりません}, pages = {18--29}, title = {西郷隆盛伝と「奄美」}, volume = {7}, year = {2016} }