@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029501, author = {寺田, 盛紀 and TERADA, Moriki}, journal = {生涯学習・キャリア教育研究, Journal of the Research on Lifelong Learning and Career Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper tries to investigate into the actual situations and verifications of educative effects for vocational practical professional courses in specialized training colleges. Over 40 percent of specialized training colleges had already founded these new dual oriented courses which aimed to make curriculum by cooperation between college and companies and to implement co-operative courses and practicums within enterprises. Nevertheless, there are some, not few colleges which were permitted to found up these courses according to governmental regulations don’t satisfy some items for permission. Anyway, first, the aims to establish these courses are basically fulfilled in Japanese vocational training colleges. But, Secondiy, nevertheless it needs to make permission criteria substantial for this program’s development such aspects as the quantity of co-operative courses and practicums, and the realization of combinations among college courses and practicums. Thirdly, methods, variables and system for effect verification of this educational approach have to be developed., 本稿は,元々は,アジア職業教育訓練学会(Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training)第13回大会(2018年9月,インドネシア・ジョクジャカルタ教育大学)のプロシーディングス(刊行されず,アブストラクト集のみ発行)の原稿として英文で書き下ろしたものであり,それに若干の修正・補記を施した和文バージョンである。}, pages = {1--13}, title = {デュアル志向職業教育の効果検証に関する研究 : 専修学校・職業実践専門課程の実態分析}, volume = {16}, year = {2020} }