@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00030349, author = {星野, フサ and 岡, 孝雄 and 春木, 雅寛 and 中村, 俊夫 and 南, 雅代 and 近藤, 務 and 米道, 博 and 関根, 達夫 and 山崎, 芳樹 and 若松, 幹男 and Hoshino, Fusa and Oka, Takao and Haruki, Masahiro and Nakamura, Toshio and Minami, Masayo and Kondo, Tsutomu and Yonemichi, Hiroshi and Sekine, Tatsuo and Yamazaki, Yoshiki and Wakamatsu, Mikio}, journal = {名古屋大学年代測定研究}, month = {Jun}, note = {The authors conducted pollen analysis on 35 samples collected from No.1 core of Lake Akan and on 100 samples from No.1 core of Toyozumi, Lake Abashiri and also performed AMS 14C dating on 6 samples from the area, where vegetation changes have been confirmed. Detailed research investigation from expert perspective on peripheral vegetation of the two sites, 50 km away from each other, demonstrated that the vegetation was different considerably. The comparison of the point at the depth of 11m in the upper part of both the two cores indicated the fact in common that Quercus was the main vegetation. It is assumed that these Quercus-dominant parts are sediments formed during the Warm Period. The results from pollen analysis on the topmost part, A zone of both cores, showed that Abies sachalinensis and Alnus hirsuta increased in the No.1 core of Lake Akan and Abies sachalinensis and Picea jezoensis were on the downward trend in the No.1 core of Toyozumi, Lake Abashiri. While Abies sachalinensis and Alnus were on the increase in and after 529-307 (95.4%) cal BP in No.1 core, Lake Akan, evergreen conifer was declining in and after 1065-934 (95.4%) cal BP in No.1 core of Lake Abashiri. Since such a difference is due to the difference in the nature of the underground soil between the two sites, we have considered that past geohistrical effects should also be fully taken into account when we take measures against the effects of global warming., 阿寒湖No.1コアで35試料、網走湖豊住No.1コアで100試料の花粉分析を行った。植生に変化が見られる位置で6点のAMS14C年代測定を行った。50km離れた2地点の周辺植生を詳細に検討するとかなりの違いがみられた。両コアの上部11mを比較したところコナラ亜属Quercusの多い部分が共通していた。このコナラ亜属の多い部分は温暖期の堆積物と考えられる。この両コアの最上部のA帯について花粉分析結果を比べると阿寒湖No.1コアではトドマツAbies sachalinensisとハンノキAlnus hirsutaに増加傾向が見られ、網走湖豊住No.1コアのA帯においてはトドマツとエゾマツPicea jezoensisに減少傾向が見られる。阿寒湖No.1コアでは529-307calBP(95.4%)以降トドマツとハンノキ属の増加があり、網走湖No.1では1065-934calBP(95.4%)以降トドマツなど常緑針葉樹coniferの減少期となった。このような違いが存在したことは両地点の地史(地下地質)の違いによるものであり、地球温暖化研究など気候影響を考慮する際には過去の地史的な影響も反映されるべきである。}, pages = {16--26}, title = {北海道東部(阿寒湖No.1・網走湖豊住No.1)の2つのボーリングコアの花粉分析とAMS14C年代測定による後期更新世と完新世の植生変遷}, volume = {4}, year = {2020} }