@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00030994, author = {川島, 希 and Kawashima, Nozomu}, journal = {日本小児東洋医学会誌}, month = {}, note = {明治時代の代表的小児漢方医書『幼幼家則』には湯液療法のみならず灸・外科治療が記載されておりその全貌を解明することを目的とした.『幼幼家則』全5巻において「方法」および本文に記載された治療法を全て抽出した.「方法」に記載された湯液療法は重複を含めて387首であったのに対して,灸・外科療法は10方(3%)のみであった.灸・外科療法で本文中にのみ記載された9方を含めた全19方中,先天奇形と歯科口腔外科疾患に対する8方を除いた11方は,いずれも灸療法ないし温罨法であり,毫鍼や接触鍼を用いた鍼療法はなかった.その対象疾患は各種原因による意識障害が7方(64%),泌尿器疾患が2方(18%),消化管疾患が2方(18%)であった.『幼幼家則』に記載された灸・温罨療法は現代小児診療でも実施可能かもしれないが,今後の臨床研究が必要である., The aim of this study was to elucidate the landscape of moxibustion and surgical treatment described in “Yoyokasoku(In-house Methods of Pediatrics)”, a representative pediatric Kampo textbook published in the Meiji Era. All the treatments described in the methods and the main body of “Yoyokasoku” were extracted. The number of decoctions written in methods were 387 including duplications. In contrast, the number of moxibustion and surgical treatments was only 10(3% ). Of all 19 moxibustion and surgical treatments including 9 methods described only in the main body of the textbook, 8 methods were for congenital anomaly and dental/oral surgery, and 11 methods utilized either moxibustion or hot fomentation. The latter 11 methods included 7(64% ) for loss of consciousness, 2(18% )for urinary diseases, and 2(18% )for intestinal diseases. Moxibustion and hot fomentation may be applied to modern pediatric treatments, but further clinical studies are needed to prove their effects.}, pages = {35--44}, title = {『幼幼家則』にみる疾医が記載する小児の灸・外科治療}, volume = {31}, year = {2020} }