@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004679, author = {小池, 理恵 and Koike, Rie}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {Leave It to Me is Mukherjee's last novel in the 20th century and the third of her American trilogy. This novel presents the idea and possibility of clarifying the initial“D”after emphasizing its destructive power. I will discuss Leave It to Me by showing Mukherjee's intention, her attitude of going beyond the limiting boundaries of the past-in the novel represented by the genes of the protagonist's bio-parents. In the novel Mukherjee reveals the true meaning of the initial“D”as in “Destruction is Creation's necessary prelude.“It may be true that there is no way to change one's past and genetic tie which seemingly restricts one's present and future nature and behavioral patterns. Focusing on the words “clarity”and“justice”the initial“D”of the female protagonist Debby/Devi in the novel is hypothesized to be such a ferocious element that, for the purpose of exacting“justice”distinguished from“vengeance”will destroy something or someone who betrays her. Apparently this element has been partly inherited from her biofather, a serial killer, Romeo Hawk. However, in fact, it must have come from the goddess, Devi in Hindu legend, whose power is introduced in the prologue. In the novel Mukherjee suggests a chance and possibility to transform and clarify one's nature.}, pages = {29--45}, title = {二人の母 : Leave It to Me試論}, volume = {29}, year = {2005} }