@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004696, author = {瀬戸, 裕之 and Seto, Hiroyuki}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper, the features of the structures of provincial party organization and administration of Lao P.D.R. are examined. Following the promulgation of the 1991 constitution, the organizational structure of the local administration has dramatically changed into more centralized one. Through the studying about the historical change of organizations, the political status of the provincial governors, and the case study in Vientiane province, features of the local administration are pointed out as follows. First, local administrative committees, which are elected by local assemblies, were abolished and provincial governors and district chiefs, which are appointed by the government, were established. Secondly, there are considerable amalgamation between administrative organization and party organization in the local level. While local divisions of ministries come to belong directly to ministries, cabinet offices of governors, local parties’ subordinate committees and local mass organizations are under provincial governors and district chiefs. Thirdly, provincial governors have same status as ministers because provincial governors, who are also secretaries of party provincial committees, are appointed by the president of the state and are members of central party committees same as ministers. The case study of Vientiane province shows that provincial governors in Vientiane province were not elected by the provincial party congress but were appointed by the central level of the party, not only in 1990’s but also in 1980’s. It means that provincial governors are not elected among the members of the local party committees and there is no drastic change of the status of the local governors through the promulgation of the 1991 constitution. The central level of the party governs the whole country by provincial governors who become to take responsibility to the central level of the Party for provincial administrative and political affairs in their provinces.}, pages = {181--199}, title = {ラオス1991年憲法体制における県党・行政制度に関する一考察 : ヴィエンチャン県を事例に}, volume = {28}, year = {2005} }