@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004739, author = {星山, 幸子 and Hoshiyama, Sachiko}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Aug}, note = {In this paper, I examine a vicious circle in which women are hired at the lower level of agricultural work in Turkey. The gender division of labor in agriculture is influenced by the inferior status of women in the socio-cultural structure as well as by a structural change of agriculture. I especially focus on the discourse of“ay.p”about which cotton picking laborers talked during my fieldwork in Adana, Turkey in 1996 and 1997. Three issues are discussed as follows. First, gender roles in agricultural work have been changed by a structural change of agriculture in Turkey, which began in the 1950’s. It has made the gender division of labor distinct so that men do mechanized work and women do manual labor. Additionally, such a gender division of labor regulates people’s acts because they believe that it is“ay.p”(shameful)that men do women’s work. Secondly, the high illiteracy rate of women in southeastern Anatolia where cotton picking laborers come from seems to be determined by people’s negative thoughts regarding girls’ going to(elementary)school. Thirdly, such discourse by cotton-picking laborers that girls’going to school is“ay.p”(without wearing scarves)not only creates barriers against girls’ education but also reproduces women’s cultural inferiority. At the same time, their lower educational background is the reason why many women are hired out as insecure and low-waged laborers in agriculture. In addition, there is a gap between the national policy of secular education that requires that women be secular by not wearing scarves and a social norm that women have to wear scarves after 8 or 9 years of age in rural areas in southeastern Anatolia in Turkey. From analyses of these issues, I point out that a vicious circle that determines women’s inferior place has arisen from gender hierarchy in rural society in southeastern Anatolia in Turkey, of which cultural values infiltrate through the discourses of“ay.p.”}, pages = {95--111}, title = {トルコ農村社会における女性の劣位性とジェンダー分業 : “アユップ”の行為をとおして}, volume = {24}, year = {2003} }