@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005114, author = {木村, 宏恒 and Kimura, Hirotsune}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {Legal and Political Development is one of the three pillars of international development side by side with economic development and social development. Only in\
1990s, there came out an understanding for the third pillar under the name of Democracy and Governance Supporting Aid. But in reality, the actual expenditure for democracy and governance supporting aid has been not big. Moreover, items of the aid including legal aid, military withdrawal, building civil society, and decentralization are hard to attain. Moreover, from the experience of South Africa, the increased civil society didn’t result in the support for democracy but on the contrary rather. The more important things for the people are not the legitimacy in political process but the legitimacy by the government service, or the result in economic growth and income raising. For attaining that, more important policy to be pursued is not the democratization and governance but the building of Developmental State within the framework of democracy. Under the insufficient democratic basics, a kind of corporatist state model is better than Japan or Singapore Inc. model. The future of political development depends upon the quality of corporatist type Developmental State pursuing public policies.}, pages = {9--33}, title = {国際開発研究と政治学}, volume = {18}, year = {2001} }