@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005473, author = {Inayoshi, Muneto and Ito, Masafumi and Hori, Masaru and Goto, Toshio and Hiramatsu, Mineo}, issue = {3}, journal = {Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B}, month = {May}, note = {The development of a new fabrication technique of Teflon microparts using synchrotron radiation (SR) irradiation, the SR ablation process, was described. The anisotropic micromachining and thin film formation of polytetrafluoroethylene, fluorinated ethylene propylene, and perfluoroalkoxy were demonstrated using the SR ablation process. The anisotropic micromachining of Teflon with hole pattern of 2 μm diam was successfully performed, and the micromachining of Teflon with a high aspect ratio of 50 was achieved. Moreover, Teflon films with flat surface were formed at a high rate by the SR ablation of Teflon at the substrate temperature above 200 ℃.}, pages = {949--956}, title = {Formation and micromachining of Teflon (fluorocarbon polymer) film by a completely dry process using synchrotron radiation}, volume = {17}, year = {1999} }