@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005517, author = {Inoue, Jun-ichiro and Brataas, Arne}, issue = {14}, journal = {Physical Review B}, month = {Oct}, note = {We use the orthodox theory to study current-induced magnetization reversal in ferromagnetic quantum dots. Current-induced spin accumulation causes a free energy change comparable to the charging energy. The free energy change depends both on the current direction, the direction of the equilibrium magnetization, and the characteristic features of transition-metal electronic states. Magnetization reversal occurs when the free energy change is comparable to the anisotropy energy, which is experimentally feasible.}, pages = {140406--140406}, title = {Magnetization reversal induced by spin accumulation in ferromagnetic transition-metal dots}, volume = {70}, year = {2004} }