@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005528, author = {Asano, H. and Hayakawa, J. and Matsui, M.}, issue = {2}, journal = {Physical Review B}, month = {Jan}, note = {The perovskite series La_{n-nx}Ca_{1+nx}Mn_nO_{3n+1}(n=2,3,and ∞)composed of n layers of MnO2 is a colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) ferromagnet. Results on the transport properties of epitaxial a-axis thin-film samples with a fixed carrier concentration (x=0.3) have indicated that a reduction in the number of layers results in systematic changes in the various features. These include an increase in resistivity, a decrease in the resistivity peak temperature Tρc corresponding to the metal-insulator transition, an enhancement of the maximum MR near Tρc, and an increase in the low-temperature intrinsic MR. In order to explain the variation in these features with the number of MnO2 layers, it is necessary to take both c-axis transfer interaction and two-dimensional spin fluctuation into account.}, pages = {1052--1056}, title = {Magnetotransport in perovskite series La_{n-nx}Ca_{1+nx}Mn_nO_{3n+1} ferromagnets}, volume = {57}, year = {1998} }