@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005869, author = {金城, 盛彦 and Kinjo, Morihiko}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {The objective of this paper lies in testing the potential of a waste-management SAM to apply as a tool of a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). For this purpose, a waste-management SAM of Chiba prefecture is complied first and then is applied to estimate the internalized effects of the externality of the "Sanbanse", a tideland in Chiba prefecture, by adopting "Blocked-Decomposition" and "Path-decomposition" methods. It is found that the internalized effects are temporary while they affect the economy in a broader and much more complicated manner. More specifically, from the results of this paper based on the Revealed Preference Method, it is fair to say that society can absorb the internalized effects of the externality. This is contrary to the results obtained from the studies based on the Sated Preference Method. This method is likely to lead to over-estimating the impacts and misleads people in a way that the cost of environmental preservation is expensive. Moreover, the effect is so broad and complicated that it is difficult to make accurate estimation of the effect, which will make it extremely hard to formulate charging policy to internalize the externality. Additionally, it is found that the magnitude of public sectors in waste management tends to be large in a waste-management SAM based on official Input-Output table. For this reason, further understandings are required especially about demand structures of private waste management services. Additionally, it is also essential to treat both domestic and industrial waste at the same time to make accurate estimation using Input-Output type of data, which formulates effective charging policy to internalize the externality.}, pages = {59--77}, title = {「廃棄物SAM」による「三番瀬」の経済的価値の推計 : コンプリヘンシブな「LCA」試案}, volume = {33}, year = {2007} }