@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006202, author = {Yamazato, Takaya and Sasase, Iwao and Mori, Shinsaku}, issue = {6}, journal = {IEICE Transactions}, month = {Jun}, note = {An Interlace Coding System (ICS) involving data compression code, data encryption code and error correcting code is proposed and its error performance on additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)channel with quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) is analyzed. The proposed system handles data compression, data encryption and error correcting processes together, i.e. adds error correcting redundancy to the block lists of the dictionary in which compression system constructs to reduce source redundancy. Each block list is encoded by Ziv-Lempel code and Data Encryption Standard (DES). As the catastrophic condition determined by the data compression procedure is not negligible, error correcting redundancy should be added so as to avoid catastrophic condition. We found that the catastrophic condition depends only on the size of the dictionary for our proposed system. Thus, by employing a large dictionary, good error performance can be applied by the proposed system and the catastrophic condition can be avoided.}, pages = {458--465}, title = {Interlace Coding System Involving Data Compression Code, Data Encryption Code and Error Correcting Code}, volume = {E75-B}, year = {1992} }