@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006788, author = {WADA, Mitsuhiro}, journal = {Journal of the School of Letters}, month = {}, note = {In order to find the actual figures of runaway slaves in colonial Maryland and Georgia, advertisements written by their masters in the Annapolis Maryland Gazette from 1745 through 1769 and the Savannah Georgia Gazette from 1763 through 1769 are analyzed in this paper. Applying such statistical methods as regression, correlation, etc. to the data derived from the advertisements, we describe a typical or an average example of runaway slaves in both colonies, which also suggests cruelty of the “racial slavery.”}, pages = {11--21}, title = {Running from Bondage : An Analysis of the Newspaper Advertisements of RunawaySlaves in Colonial Maryland and Georgia}, volume = {2}, year = {2006} }