@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006813, author = {HIRANO, Yasuhiro and 平野, 泰弘 and YOKOTA, Taketo and 横田, 岳人 and HIJII, Naoki and 肘井, 直樹}, journal = {名古屋大学森林科学研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {The effects of treatment with acidic solutions for various periods on root system biomass and nutritional status were examined in sand cultures of Japanese red cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) saplings. A mixture of H_2SO_4 and HNO_3 solution at a molar ratio of 2 : 1 (pH 2.0) was applied for 4 to 12 weeks to both above- and below-ground parts of saplings grown in Yahagi sand. Deionized water was used as the reference treatment (control). At the 4th week, white roots were already injured and the biomass allocation to white were represented as the weight of Ca(NO_3)_2 attached to the root surface per unit dry weight of the roots, differed significantly between the pH 2 and control treatments, although they were not significantly different at weeks 4 and 8. The concentrations of A1 in the white roots at pH 2 were consistently higher than those in the controls at weeks 4, 8 and 12. These results suggest that the effects of pH 2 were consistently higher than those in the controls at weeks 4, 8 and12. these results suggest that the effects of pH 2 solution on the root systems of Japanese red cedar saplings in Yahagi sand appear from an early stage, by the end of the 4th week of treatment, and that white root development is affected both indirectly through above-ground parts, and directly thorough low pH and excess A1 in the media solution., npH2.0酸性溶液処理におけるスギ苗の根系衰退が、どのくらいの処理機関でどのように起きるかを明らかにするために、2年生スギ苗を矢作砂を培地として砂耕栽培し、4週間ごとの掘り取りによる根系調査を12週間行った。酸性溶液は、苗木の地上部と地下部の双方に暴露した。その結果、4週間の酸性溶液処理において、pH2区における白根の乾重比は、対照区に比べすでに有意に低下しており、白根が太くかつ短くなる傾向が認められた。pH2区における根全体の表面積は、4週間、8週間の酸性溶液処理においては、対照区と有意差が認められなかったものの、12週間の酸性溶液処理においては、対照区に比べて有意に減少した。本実験の結果から、pH2.0酸性溶液処理は、矢作砂の酸中和能力の低さのために根圏における低pHやAlの影響を導き、白根の発育初期段階にさえ負の影響を与えることが明らかとなった。さらに酸性溶液処理期間が長くなるに伴って、その影響は根全体へと及ぶことが示唆された。, 農林水産研究情報センターで作成したPDFファイルを使用している。}, pages = {1--6}, title = {Responses of Root Production in Japanese Red Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) Saplings to Duration of Treatment with Acidic Solutions}, volume = {16}, year = {1997} }