@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006842, author = {YOSHIDA, Masato and 吉田, 正人 and TAMAI, Yutaka and 玉井, 裕 and SANO, Yuzou and 佐野, 雄三 and TERAZAWA, Minoru and 寺沢, 実 and OKUYAMA, Takashi and 奥山, 剛}, journal = {名古屋大学森林科学研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {形成層帯と師部の膨圧変動によって幹の接線方向にはひずみ変動が現れる。本研究は、このひずみから樹木の成長に関するどんな情報が得られるかを検討した。シラカンバを用い、幹と根の内樹皮表面にひずみゲージを貼り、接線方向ひずみの非破壊・連続測定を行った。接線ひずみは季節ごとに特有の変動を示しながら、年々増加していた。ひずみは、二次成長が始まる時期に急激に増加し、7月から8月にかけて一旦減少した。萌芽の前はひずみに日振幅はなかったが、萌芽に伴い、日振幅もひずみ絶対値も増加した。7月初旬に日振幅が最大となり、その時、ひずみ絶対値もその年の最大値を示した。落葉後は日振幅は見られなかった。地上高の違いによる、ひずみ位相のズレは確認されなかった。厳冬期には、著しいひずみの減少が生じた。この時期の温度変化に対するひずみ減少率は、0.0296%/Kであり、これは木材の凍結乾燥収縮率の0.03%Kにきわめて近い。細胞内腔で形成された氷の発達のため、細胞壁の水分が内腔へと移動し、細胞壁が凍結乾燥されたことが、厳冬期の著しいひずみ減少のおもな要因と思われる。, The aim of this paper is to acquire a growth information from the tangential strain due to changes in turgor pressure in the cells of the cambium and phloem. The strains were measured nondestructively and continuously using strain gauges pasted on the surface of the inner bark of the stem and roof of white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica). They showed seasonal changes. As a repeating seasonal pattern, the tangential strain increased year by year. In the season when secondary growth was most vigorous, the tangential strain increased year by year. In the season when secondary growth was most vigorous, the tangential strain increased rapidly and then decreased in July and August. Significant amplitude was not seen before the sprout, then both the strain and its amplitude began to increase rapidly accompanying the sprout. In early July, the diurnal strain amplitude showed a peak coinciding with the peak of the strain. The diurnal amplitude of strain disappeared after defoliation. A phase difference in the periodical strain change could not be seen in terms of the height from the ground. In winter season, marked shrinkage was found in the stem. During this season, the rate of dimensional change in the tangential direction per degree Kelvin was 0.0296 (%/K). This value is quite close to the freeze-drying shrinkage of wood, 0.03(%/K). The most probable cause of shrinkage during winter was the frost-shrinkage caused by the freezing-out call wall moisture into the cell lumen., 農林水産研究情報センターで作成したPDFファイルを使用している。}, pages = {21--28}, title = {Seasonal change in tangential strain on the inner bark in white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica)}, volume = {19}, year = {2000} }