{"created":"2021-03-01T06:13:30.538124+00:00","id":6879,"links":{},"metadata":{"_buckets":{"deposit":"bf53a4d6-ac58-4495-a308-c506e9541183"},"_deposit":{"id":"6879","owners":[],"pid":{"revision_id":0,"type":"depid","value":"6879"},"status":"published"},"_oai":{"id":"oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006879","sets":["643:835:836:838"]},"author_link":["18238","18239"],"item_1615768549627":{"attribute_name":"出版タイプ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_version_resource":"http://purl.org/coar/version/c_970fb48d4fbd8a85","subitem_version_type":"VoR"}]},"item_9_alternative_title_19":{"attribute_name":"その他のタイトル","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_alternative_title":"Effects of acid precipitation on the root systems of Japanese red cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D.Don) saplings in model experiments  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酸性溶液の吸水が根系成長に与える影響(1)培地である鹿沼土を介しての酸性溶液の吸水が、スギさし穂の生存率、発根率、根長、根乾重に与える影響を、夏60日間と秋72日間にわたり調査した。また秋にはスギさし木笛への影響も調査した。さらに培地として用いた鹿沼土のpH(H2O)や水溶性陽イオン濃度を調べた。(2)夏のpH2.0酸性溶液処理区におけるさし穂の発根率は、対照区に比べて有意に低下したが、秋の処理区と対照区間ではその差は認められなかった。夏、秋ともにpH2.0酸性溶液処埋区におけるさし穂の平均根長と平均根乾重は、対照区に比べて低下する傾向にあり、とくに秋におけるその差は有意であった。(3)酸性溶液のさし木苗への顕著な影響は認められなかった。pH3.0硝酸溶液処理区における白根の乾重比が、対照区、pH3.0硫酸溶液処理区、pH4.0混合酸性溶液処理区よりも有意に高かった。(4)処理終了後の鹿沼土のpH(H2O)は、対照区、pH4.0区、pH3.0区、pH2.0区の順に、6.21、6.07、5.99、5.94であり、対照区とpH2.0区の差は有意であった。また、処理終了後のpH2.0区における鹿沼土の水溶性Ca、Mg、K、Na濃度は、他の処理区に比べて有意に高かった。(2)酸性溶液の処理期間が根系に与える影響(1) pH2.0酸性溶液の処理期間がスギさし木苗の根乾重、根表面積、養分状態に与える影響を、矢作砂を培地とした砂耕栽培法により、4週間ごとの掘り取り調査を行い12週間にわたって調べた。酸性溶液は地上部と地下部処理を行った。また、処理期間終了後の矢作砂の水溶性Ca、Mg、K、Na濃度も調べた。(2)pH2.0酸性溶液処理を開始して約3週間後に、さし木苗の葉面上に赤褐色斑点状の可視障害が観察された。一方、根系については、 4週間処理後に、白根が相対的に太く短くなるといった明らかな形態異状が認められた。これらの可視的な変化は、8週間および12週間処理後においても、同様に観察された。(3)pH2.0酸性溶液処理区における白根の乾重比は、4週間処理後にすでに対照区より有意に低下し、8週間および12週間処理後においてもその差は有意であった。またpH2.0酸性溶液処理区における根表面積指数は、4週間、8週間、12週間処理後のいずれにおいても、対照区に比べて小さくなる傾向があり、12週間処理後におけるその差は有意であった。(4)pH2.0酸性溶液処理区における白根中のAl濃度は、4週間、8週間、12週間処理後のいずれにおいても、対照区に比べて高くなる傾向にあった。また、矢作砂の水溶性陽イオン濃度もpH2.0酸性溶液処理区において、対照区よりも高くなる傾向にあった。(3) 酸性溶液の地上部、地下部処理による根系成長の違い(1)スギさし木苗の地上部と地下部への酸性溶液処理(20週間)、地下部への酸性溶液処理(20週間)、地上部への酸性溶液処理(12週間)が根乾重、根表面積、根活性、新葉中の養分状態に与える影響を、培地として矢作砂を用い調べた。(2)地上部へのpH2.0酸性溶液処理において、葉面上に可視障害が観察され、白根の乾重比が対照区と比べ有意に低下した。しかしながら、根形態への影響は認められなかった。また、地上部へのpH2.5酸性溶液処理では、葉面上に可視障害は認められなかった。(3)地下部へのpH2.0酸性溶液処理において、白根には他の処理区と比べ相対的に太く短くなるといった明らかな形態異状が認められ、根表面積指数も他の処理区に比べて有意に小さかった。さらに新葉中のP濃度も有意に低かった。(4)地上部と地下部へのpH2.0酸性溶液処理においては、地上部処理、地下部処理のpH2.0酸性溶液処理により認められた影響に加え、さらに白根の活性も対照区に比べ有意に低かった。(4)異なる培地下の根系における酸性溶液処理の影響の違い(1)褐色森林土、矢作砂、ガラスビーズの3つの異なる培地下において、酸性溶液の培地表面への添加実験を15週間にわたり行い、スギさし木苗の根乾重、根表面積、根活性、根端直径および養分状態に与える影響を調べた。また処理期間終了後、各培地のpH(H2O)や水溶性陽イオン濃度を調べた。(2)根全体の乾重比、根表面積指数は、褐色森林土培地では酸性溶液処理による影響を受けなかったものの、矢作砂およびガラスビーズ培地のpH2.0酸性溶液処理区では、対照区、pH3.0酸性溶液処理区に比べて有意に低かった。(3)白根の乾重比、白根活性は、すべての培地のpH2.0酸性溶液処理区において、他の処理区よりも有意に低かった。白根の根端直径もすべての培地のpH2.0酸性溶液処理区において、他の処理区よりも有意に増大したものの、褐色森林土、矢作砂培地では対照区のおよそ2.6倍の増大に対し、ガラスビーズ培地では対照区の1.4倍に留まった。(4)褐色森林土、矢作砂培地のpH2.0酸性溶液処理区において、白根中のAl濃度は対照区よりも高くなる傾向にあった。(5)それぞれの培地における対照区とpH2.0酸性溶液処理区における培地pH(H2O)値は、矢作砂培地においてpH5.4からpH3.9と、褐色森林土培地におけるpH4.3からpH3.4への変化に比べて大きく変化する傾向を示した。また、褐色森林土培地のpH2.0酸性溶液処理区においては、水溶性陽イオン濃度が対照区に比べて有意に高くなっていた。(5) 低pHおよび過剰Alが根形態と栄養状態に与える影響(1)ガラスビーズを培地として用い、酸性溶液およびAl溶液の添加実験を14週間にわたり行い、スギさし木苗の分岐根数、分岐根長、根端直径などの根形態と養分状態に与える影響を調べた。また、同時に褐色森林土を培地に用いた酸性溶液添加実験も行い、ガラスビーズ培地における添加実験の結果と比較した。(2)低pH (pH2.0)と過剰Al(5mM)処理が共通して根系に与えた影響として、対照区に比べ、白根の分岐根数の有意な増加、分岐根長および白根中のCa、Mg濃度の有意な低下が認められた。(3)低pH処理に特徴的な影響として、白根の褐色化、白根中のK濃度の有意な低下が認められた。(4)過剰Al処理に特徴的な影響として、白根の根端直径の有意な増大、白根中のP、Al濃度の有意な上昇があげられた。(5)褐色森林土にpH2.0酸性溶液を添加した処理区では、過剰Alに特徴的な影響と同様の影響が白根に認められた。以上の結果を総合して、次のことが示唆された。(1)本研究で用いた4種類の培地、鹿沼土、矢作砂、ガラスビーズ、褐色森林土の培地pH(H20)と白根への影響の結果から、酸性溶彼を培地に添加した場合に考えられる影響要因を推察した。ガラスビーズ培地においては、添加溶液の低pHそのものの影響が大きく、一方、褐色森林土培地においては、酸中和能力の高さから、低pHの影響よりもむしろAlの影響が大きいものと推察された。矢作砂培地においては、酸中和能力の低さから、低pHそのものの影響とAlの影響が双方とも影響要因となったことが推察された。また、本実験の結果から鹿沼土における影響要因を推察することはできなかった。(2)酸性物質の地上部処理は、外在的な要因で引き起こされた葉面上における可視障害のために、根への光合成産物の配分量を減少させ、白根形態は変化させないものの、白板の現存量低下を引き起こすことが示唆された。また、酸性物質に対するスギ笛の葉面上における可視障害発現の閾値pHは、pH2.0からpH2.5の間にあることが強く示唆された。(3)酸性物質の地下部処理は、低pH または根圏のpH低下に伴うAlの溶出のために白根の形態異状および栄養状態の変化を引き起こすことが示唆された。また、スギ苗の白根に形態異状を発現させる根圏の閾値pHは、pH2.0からpH3.0の間にあることが示唆された。さらに白根中のCa/Al比(モル比)が0.20以下になると、白根の形態異状が引き起こされることが示唆された。(4)酸性物質の影響が最も早く現れるスギ苗の器官として白根があげられた。とくに白根の形態異状および養分動態は、低pHや過剰Alなどそれぞれのストレスに対して特異的な反応を示すことから、環境ストレスに対する感受性指標としての有効性が強く示唆された。(5)酸性物質によるスギ個体の衰退過程は、まず白根において養分吸収阻害や形態異状が生じ、白根活性の低下、白根への現存量配分の低下が引き起こされた後に、根全体の表面積の低下、根全体への乾物配分量の低下が引き起こされ、さらには個体全体の現存量成長も低下させられるという、根系衰退が樹木個体衰退へと導かれる図式であることが推察された。(6)本研究におけるモデル実験の結果を、環境ストレスを受けている森林への応用面に生かす場合に考慮すべき点について、樹木の感受性指標という観点からいくつかの提言を行った。","subitem_description_language":"ja","subitem_description_type":"Abstract"},{"subitem_description":"Root systems of forest trees are characterized by various environmental conditions around the roots. Root growth, rather than above-ground biomass or root biomass, has increasingly been used as a sensitive indicator of environmental stress, including acid precipitation, on forest trees. In Japan, several model experiments on the effects of acid precipitation on Japanese red cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D.Don) have been performed, focusing on the effects on the above-ground parts or the root biomass. However, the effects on root growth and root morphology have not been examined sufficiently. In the present study, from the viewpoint of tree physio logy, five model experiments were performed to clarify (1) the effects of acid precipitation applied to above-and/ or below-ground parts on the root systems of Japanese red cedar saplings, (2) the effects of low pH and Al on the morphology and nutrient status of roots, and (3) the availability of the root growth of Japanese red cedar as a sensitive indicator of environmental stress. An outline of this study and major findings are summarized as follows. (1)Effects of absorption of acidic solutions on the root growth of cuttings and saplings 1.The effects of absorption of acidic solutions only from below-ground parts on survival rate, rooting rate, root length and root dry weight were examined for 60 days in summer and 72 days in fall using cuttings of Japanese red cedar grown in Kanuma soil. In fall, the effects on the saplings, the soil pH (H2O) and soluble cation concentrations of Ca, Mg, K and Na in Kanuma soil were also examined. 2. The rooting rate at pH 2.0 in summer was significantly lower than that of the control. The root length and root dry weight at pH 2.0 in summer and fall were smaller than those of the control, and the difference in fall was significant. 3. No detrimental effects of acidic solutions on saplings were observed. The dry weight ratio of white roots at pH 3.0 in nitric acid solution was significantly lower than that of the control, at pH 3.0 in sulfuric acid solution and at pH 4.0 in a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acid solutions. 4.The pH values of Kanuma soil for the control and the soil treated at pH 4.0, 3.0, and 2.0 were 6.21, 6,07, 5.99 and 5.94, respectively. The soluble cation concentrations of Ca, Mg, K and Na at pH 2.0 were increased significantly in comparison with those given the other treatments. (2)Responses of sapling root systems to duration of treatment with acidic solutions 1.The effects of treatment with acidic solutions for various periods on root biomass, root surface area and nutritional status were examined in Yahagi-sand cultures of saplings by harvesting every 4 weeks. A mixture of H2SO4 and HNO3 solution at pH 2.0 was applied for 4 to12 weeks to both above- and below-ground parts. The soluble cation concentrations of Ca, Mg, K and Na in Yahagi sand were also measured. 2.With pH 2 treatment, visible injury in the form of small red spots appeared on the foliage about 3 weeks after the start of the acidic treatment. By the end of the 4th week of treatment, white roots had clearly changed morphologically to a shorter and thicker form. The same trend was also observed for the white roots of saplings harvested at weeks 8 and 12. 3.The dry weight ratios of white roots at pH 2 at weeks 4, 8 and 12 were all significantly lower than those of the control. The root surface area index for the pH 2 treatment tended to be lower than that for the control treatment over the entire experimental period, and the difference between the pH 2 and control treatments was significant at week 12. 4. The concentration of Al in the white roots tended to be higher than that of the control over the experimental period, and the difference between the pH 2 and control treatments was significant at week 8. Concentrations of water- soluble cations (Ca, Mg, K and Na) in Yahagi sand were consistently higher in the pH 2 treatment than in the controls. (3) Effects of acidic solutions applied to above- and/ or below-glound parts on sapling root systems 1.The effects of acidic solutions ranging in pH from 2.0 to 4.0 applied to above- and/or below-ground parts on the root systems of saplings grown in Yahagi sand were examined in terms of root surface area index and root activity as well as root biomass. 2.When the pH 2.0 solution was applied only to above- ground parts of saplings, visible injury to the foliage occurred, and the dry weight ratio of white roots was significantly lower than that in the control, although no visible abnormality of root morphology was observed. 3. When the pH 2.0 solution was applied only to below ground parts, the white roots had a tendency to be thicker, shorter, and less branched than those given the other treatments and also the control. The root surface area index and concentration of P in the currernt foliage were significantly lower than those for the other treatments and also the controls. 4.Application of the pH 2.0 solution to both above- and below-ground parts led to a reduction in the activity of white roots as well as the dry weight ratio of white roots and the root surface area index. (4) Effects of acidic solutions on the root systems of saplings grown in different media 1. The effects of acidic solutions on the root systems were examined for saplings grown in different media: glass beads, Yahagi sand and brown forest soil. The media pH (H2O) and soluble cation concentrations of Ca,Mg, K and Na in the growth media were also measured. 2.No significant effects of acidic solutions on the dry weight ratio of roots and the root surface area index were observed in brown forest soil. In Yahagi sand and in glass beads, however, those at pH 2.0 were significantly lower than those at pH 3.0 and those given the control treatments. 3.The dry weight ratio of white roots and the activity of white roots at pH 2.0 in all media were significantly lower than those after the other treatments. The maximum root diameters at pH 2.0 in all media were significantly greater than those after the other treatments. 4. The root Al concentrations at pH 2.0 in brown forest soil and in Yahagi sand were higher than under control treatments. 5.The change in the pH(H2O) value of Yahagi sand from pH 5.4 (control treatment) to pH 3.9 (pH 2.0 treatment) was larger than that of brown forest soil, from pH 4.3 (control treatment) to pH 3.4 (pH 2.0 treatment). The soluble cation concentrations of Ca, Mg, K and Na at pH 2.0 were consistently higher than those under the control treatments. (5)Root morphology and nutritional status of saplings subjected to low pH and excess Al stress 1.The effects of low pH or excess Al on the root morphology and nutritional status of saplings were examined separately using glass beads as a medium. We also compared the effects of pH or Al determined by the glass beads method with those determined by soil acidification treatment using brown forest soil. 2. An increased number of branching roots, reduced root length all decreased concentrations of Ca and Mg in the white roots were the common symptoms induced by low pH and excess Al. 3. Browning and reduction of K were specific symptoms in white roots subjected to low-pH treatment. 4. The effects of excess Al were characterized by an increase of root diameter and increased concentrations of P and Al in the white roots. 5.Moreover, the effects of Al were very similar to those resulting from exposure to pH 2.0 solution in brown forest soil. On the basis of the above results, the following coclusions and suggestions were made: 1. The results of the experiments using Kanuma soil, Yahagi sand, glass beads and brown forest soil suggested the causal factors for decline of the root systems when the acidic solutions penetrated the media. In glass beads, the low pH of acidic solutions might affcct the root systems directly. The effects of acidic solutions on root systems grown in brown forest soil are not due to the effects of low soil pH, but to the effects of excess Al induced by soil acidification. It can be assumed that Yahagi sand itself, which has low acid-neutralizing capacity, is responsible for the effects of low pH and excess Al. The causal factor in Kanuma soil could not be detected in the present study. 2. In the case of application of acidic solution to the above-ground parts, reductions in the amount of photosynthate in the leaves, probably responsible for the observed visible injuries, led to successive decreases in photosynthate allocation to the root system, although there was no negative effect on root morphology. The threshold pH at which visible injury to the foliage of Japanese red cedar saplings occurs falls within the range 2.0-2.5. 3. The low soil pH or Al released into solution from the medium upon application of acidic solution to the below-ground parts could affect the morphological and nutritional status of roots. Moreover, the threshold pH at which significant reduction begins to occur in the white-root biomass of saplings falls within the pH range 2.0-3.0. The molar Ca/Al ratio of less than 0.20 in the white roots would affect the morphological changes in the white roots. 4.The white roots were the first organ of Japanese red cedar saplings affected by acid precipitation stress. The specific responses of the morphological and nutritional status to low pH or excess Al stress strongly suggest that the white roots can be used as a sensitive indicator of environmental stress to forest trees. 5.The process of decline of the Japanese red cedar is suggested to occur as follow: 1) morphological changes in white roots and inhibition of nutrient uptake by them; 2) decrease in the activity and dry weight ratio of white roots; 3) decrease in root surface area, the dry weight ratio of all roots, and total dry-weight growth. Thus, the decline of the Japanese red cedar might occur through decline of the root systems. 6.On the basis of the results obtained in our model experiments, some practical suggestions are proposed for the availability of white roots as a sensitive indicator of environmental stress to forest trees.","subitem_description_language":"en","subitem_description_type":"Abstract"}]},"item_9_description_5":{"attribute_name":"内容記述","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"農林水産研究情報センターで作成したPDFファイルを使用している。","subitem_description_language":"ja","subitem_description_type":"Other"}]},"item_9_identifier_60":{"attribute_name":"URI","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_identifier_type":"HDL","subitem_identifier_uri":"http://hdl.handle.net/2237/8549"}]},"item_9_identifier_registration":{"attribute_name":"ID登録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_identifier_reg_text":"10.18999/nagufs.17.25","subitem_identifier_reg_type":"JaLC"}]},"item_9_publisher_32":{"attribute_name":"出版者","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_publisher":"名古屋大学農学部付属演習林","subitem_publisher_language":"ja"}]},"item_9_relation_43":{"attribute_name":"関連情報","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_relation_type":"isVersionOf","subitem_relation_type_id":{"subitem_relation_type_id_text":"http://rms1.agsearch.agropedia.affrc.go.jp/contents/JASI/pdf/academy/58-2522.pdf","subitem_relation_type_select":"URI"}}]},"item_9_select_15":{"attribute_name":"著者版フラグ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_select_item":"publisher"}]},"item_9_source_id_7":{"attribute_name":"ISSN(print)","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_source_identifier":"1344-2457","subitem_source_identifier_type":"PISSN"}]},"item_9_text_14":{"attribute_name":"フォーマット","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_text_value":"application/pdf"}]},"item_access_right":{"attribute_name":"アクセス権","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_access_right":"open access","subitem_access_right_uri":"http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2"}]},"item_creator":{"attribute_name":"著者","attribute_type":"creator","attribute_value_mlt":[{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"平野, 恭弘","creatorNameLang":"ja"}],"nameIdentifiers":[{"nameIdentifier":"18238","nameIdentifierScheme":"WEKO"}]},{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"HIRANO, Yasuhiro","creatorNameLang":"en"}],"nameIdentifiers":[{"nameIdentifier":"18239","nameIdentifierScheme":"WEKO"}]}]},"item_files":{"attribute_name":"ファイル情報","attribute_type":"file","attribute_value_mlt":[{"accessrole":"open_date","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2018-02-19"}],"displaytype":"detail","filename":"nagufs_17_25.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"11.5 MB"}],"format":"application/pdf","licensetype":"license_note","mimetype":"application/pdf","url":{"label":"nagufs_17_25.pdf","objectType":"fulltext","url":"https://nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/6879/files/nagufs_17_25.pdf"},"version_id":"8509dd76-3cde-4f3c-b468-3066a5079688"}]},"item_language":{"attribute_name":"言語","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_language":"jpn"}]},"item_resource_type":{"attribute_name":"資源タイプ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"resourcetype":"departmental bulletin paper","resourceuri":"http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_6501"}]},"item_title":"モデル実験系における酸性物質のスギ苗根系に与える影響","item_titles":{"attribute_name":"タイトル","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_title":"モデル実験系における酸性物質のスギ苗根系に与える影響","subitem_title_language":"ja"}]},"item_type_id":"9","owner":"1","path":["838"],"pubdate":{"attribute_name":"PubDate","attribute_value":"2007-07-18"},"publish_date":"2007-07-18","publish_status":"0","recid":"6879","relation_version_is_last":true,"title":["モデル実験系における酸性物質のスギ苗根系に与える影響"],"weko_creator_id":"1","weko_shared_id":-1},"updated":"2023-01-16T03:52:18.376237+00:00"}