@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006888, author = {伊藤, 義人 and ITOH, Yoshito and 梅田, 健貴 and UMEDA, Kenki and 西川, 和廣 and NISHIKAWA, Kazuhiro}, journal = {構造工学論文集}, month = {Mar}, note = {Recently, the environmental problem of the global warming has become a serious issue in the world. Researches and practical engineers in civil engineering have to pay enough attention to the environmental impact in addition to the function, safety, cost and aesthetics at all the lifecycle stages of civil infrastructures. In this study, the estimation is made for the lifecycle CO2 emission and cost of bridges using new technologies such as Minimum Maintenance and Minimized girder bridges. The characteristics of lifecycle CO2 emission and cost of bridges using new technologies are clarified compared with those of the conventional bridges.}, pages = {1261--1272}, title = {少数主桁橋梁と従来型橋梁のライフサイクル環境負荷とコストの比較研究}, volume = {46AⅢ}, year = {2000} }