@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006962, author = {中澤, 昌彦 and NAKAZAWA, Masahiko}, journal = {名古屋大学森林科学研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究は,木材生産に主眼を置いて,理論・技術論先行で検討されてきた森林基盤に対し,森林管理活動に実際にどのように利用されたか,森林施業における実態的見地から再評価することを試みた。 また,森林の流域管理システムにおいて,川上から川下まで一体となった森林管理の推進には市町村の連携が必要であるが,森林整備と基盤整備の計画・実施主体である市町村の枠組みに制約されており,流域単位の基盤整備に基づいた森林整備システムの構築を試みた。 そのために,愛知県北設楽郡東栄町を対象に,森林整備と基盤整備に関する3つの手法を第2章から第4章で検討し,第5章で愛知県豊川流域に各手法を適用した。 第2章では,施業実績,地利,地形の観点から,1991- 2000年度における森林施業の実施状況と林内道路網の整備状況との関連性を定量的に解析した。東栄町森林組合が受託実施した施業面積は,10年間で1/2近くまで減少し,同町森林整備計画における必要量に対して2/3にも満たない程度であり,山村地域の民有林における施業が不足傾向にあることが確認された。 施業は,道路近隣の森林に集中する傾向にあり,道路から到達距離300m以上や標高800m以上,傾斜90%以上の森林で不足する傾向にあった。 作業実施時の各種道路の利用状況を推定した結果,林道や作業道では構成割合に比べ利用頻度は多かったが,過去10年間で最も利用されていたのは公道であり,施業の実施と地域内の交通性に関して公道と林道は相互に補完しあっていると言える。 公道は,ある一定の制約を受け施業機能は低いが,施業機能の高い林業活動用の道路の不足から,公道を便わざるを得ないという実態が明らかとなった。 新規に開設された作業道は,施業の実施に対して相当の効果が認められ,林道に比べ非常に安価ではあるが,施業の実施を促進させる上での即効性があり,今後の基盤整備における作業道の重要性は非常に高く,森林基盤整備の主役として期待できる。 また,森林全域を適切に管理するためには密度にして7.1m/ha, 事業費にして7.2億円から45億円の道路の新規開設が必要であり,現在の開設量の水準では半世紀以上かかる計算となる。 従って,森林資源の現状と施業の実施状況を考えると,手入れ不足の森林の増加により森林の荒廃が進行してしまうことが危倶されるため,今後の道路網整備にあたっては量的整備目標を単純に消化するのではなく,その目標に向けて質的に最大限の効果をあげるために,個々の路線を最大限効率よく配置することが急務である。 第3章では,資源構成,森林整備,基盤整備に関する3つの指標を用いて,小班毎に森林と基盤の整備状況を総合的に把握した。 小班は,クラスター分析によって, 1)管理・到達性良好, 2)管理不良・到達性良好, 3)管理・到達性不良, 4)保育管理不要の成熟林といった4つのカテゴリに類型化され,面積割合でカテゴリ1が3割,カテゴリ2が5割,カテゴリ3が2割となり,カテゴリ4は非常に少なかった。 森林管理には,林分毎の取り扱いと地域・流域内の林分配置を同時に考えていくことが重要であるが,各カテゴリの小班は森林全域に分散する傾向にあり,現状の施業の実施量では短期間に森林全域を適切に整備することは不可能であるため,今後の森林管理計画において各カテゴリの小班の配置には検討の余地がある。 また,判別分析の結果から森林の整備状況の良否を分けるカテゴリ1と2の境界は森林整備指標が0.4であり,森林の整備状況が良好であると区分されたカテゴリ1でもその整備率は平均で6割程度であった。 得られた判別関数式を用いて,1996-2000年度のカテゴリの変化を調べた結果,基盤整備は森林整備の促進に有効であったと言えるが,近年5年間に基盤整備を伴って森林整備が進んだ小班は,森林整備が進んだ小班のうち1割にも満たなかった。 町全域で森林整備が不足する傾向にあり,森林整備の促進に向けて基盤整備の構極的な推進が望まれる。 施業の実態を反映した森林の現状を把握する本手法は,森林整備や基盤整備を計画する際の重要な資料を提供し,さらに小班の整備状況に関する判別関数式を用いることで,森林や基盤の整備計画を策定した後の森林の状況を予測することも可能にする。 第4章では,今後10年間の作業道による林内道路網の配置計画とその路線開設の優先順位を決定した。その結果,189の候補路線が計画され,総建設費は9億6,000万円と試算された。 その開設効果は,過去10年間に比べ,施業地までの平均到達距離,及び労働者の歩行負担を半減させることができる。 過去10年間に開設された道路は,地域内の交通性を重視し,施業地に対しあまり効果がなかったが,過去10年間の開設延長と同量の優先順位上位から累積30km,41路線までを開設したとしても,施業地までの平均到達距離,及び労働者の歩行負担に対して30%以上の削減効果が期待でき,総事業費は2億7,000万円と試算された。また,候補路線配置後は多くの施業地及び森林が道路から100mの範囲内となり,集約的な森林管理が期待できる。 道路網を計画する際の問題点として,全体的視野に欠け断片的な開発となっていること等が挙げられる。本手法は小班毎の施業実績こ基づいて,市町村全域を対象に優先順位を付けて,林内道路網の配置計画を最適化するものであり,森林整備の推進を図る市町村の施策に対し上述された問題点を解決に導き,また第3章の森林の現状を把握する手法と併用することで,民有林の効率的な管理のために実効性のある森林管理計画を立案する上で,市町村役場や森林組合にとって有効なツールとなることが期待される。 第5章では,森林の流域管理システムの観点から,愛知県豊川流域を対象に上・中下流域から各1つ計2町1市を選択し,森林整備と基盤整備に関する3つの手法を適用した。 過去10年間における施業の実施量の減少傾向は,下流から上流に向かうほど強く,下流域では2割減であったが,中流域では4割減,上流域では5割減であった。 施業の実施状況に強く影響する施実地の到達距離は,中流域では最も遠く,次いで上流域,下流域の順であった。 1998-2000年度の近年3年間では木材価格の急落に伴う採算性の悪化から,施業地の平均到達距離は上流域では大幅に減少し,森林全域の平均到達距離との差は拡大傾向にある。中流域では施業地の到達距離が高い水準で維持され,道路の新規開設によって森林全域との平均到達距離の差は縮小傾向にあり,下流域では施業地と森林全域との差が最も小さかった。 それら施業の実態に即した基盤整備の目標密度は,中流域では最も小さく,次いで上流域,下流域の順であった。 過去10年間の森林と基盤の整備状況を定量的に評価した結果においても,中流域では最も森林整備が進んでおり,次いで上流域,下流域であったことが確認された。 上・中流域では,施業の実態から見れば今後も基盤整備を効果的に配置し,森林管理の効率化を図る必要があり,一方下流域では道路網密度はすでに30m/haを越えてはいるものの,施業の実施水準が低く目標道路網密度は最も高くなったが,森林全域の平均到達距離はすでに上流域の市町村の目標値に連していることから,基盤整備よりも森林整備への普及活動が重要になると考えられる。以上のことから,豊川流域では,総じて森林整備やそのための基盤整備に基づいた森林管理は不十分な傾向にあり,林葉の衰退による山村の崩壊や手入れ不足林分の増加,渇水等森林管理に関連する様々な問題が危倶される状況にある。 上流域では,間伐材の利用促進が図られてはいるものの,安価な間伐材を上流域から下流域の市場まで運材するのは不利であり,地利条件に応じて優良・大径材生産を目指した長伐期化,複層林化や針広混交林化といった公益的機能重視の森林管理が望まれ,間伐材の利用等には地域内で消費されるような資源循環型の社会システムの構築が必要である。 一方,運材コストが比較的安く施業の実施状況の良い中流域や基盤整備が十分な下流域では,近年の経済不況の影響をあまり受けなかったことから,市場と密接に結びついた木材生産重視の森林管理が望まれる。 現状の森林区分では,豊川流域の多くの森林が水土保全林に区分されてはいるがその有効性には乏しく,それぞれの機能にあった林分の配置が重要であり,本研究では,施業の実態から流域の位置で重視される森林の機能はこれらのものと異なると結論付け,概して上流域では公益的機能を,中・下流域では木材生産機能を重視する流域管理計画を豊川流域に提言した。 本研究では,施業履歴を取り込んだデータベースから施業の実態にせまり,森林整備の促進に向けて基盤整備の重要性を位置付けた。 現行の森林計画制度において,森林所有者の不在村化,高齢化等に起因する森林経営意欲の低下等から,森林組合を中心とした林業事業体に森林の施業や経常の集約化が推進されようとしており,今後森林管理と森林組合とはこれまで以上に密接な関係になると考えられる。 しかしながら,現状の森林組合の施業実施分だけでは森林の手入れは不足しがちであり,今後の森林整備には道路の新規開設だけでなく,資源循環型社会に向けて地域に対応した作業システムや木材の流通システムの構築等も必要である。 そのためには,地域内における市町村行政と森林組合,及び森林所有者との情報共有はもとより,流域内における市町村間や上・下流の住民間との情報共有が重要であり,GIS等による情報基盤の整備と運用体制の構築が不可欠である。 その上で本研究では,環境税の導入等を踏まえ,過切な森林の流域管理に向けて関係者間の合意形成を図り,森林整備とそのための基盤整備を推進することが必要であることを提示した。, We re-evaluated the function of a forest road network from the viewpoint of current forestry operations, and how it is actually used for forestry activities, which focus on timber production, and discuss this theoretically and technically. Since1991, the Forest Watershed Management System has promoted forest management at all levels. This requires the cooperation of local authorities, which are the main bodies for planning and improving forest road networks, and is constrained by the framework of each local authority. We tried to establish a Forest Improvement System based on forest road improvement in a forest watershed area. To this end, in Chapters 2 to 4 we discussed three methods for forest and road improvements in Toei, in the Kitashitara district of Aichi Prefecture, Japan, which were applied to the Toyo River watershed in Aichi Prefecture. In Chapter 2, forestry operations in Toei from 1991 to 2000 were analyzed from the viewpoint of actual achievement, location, and topography. Operations in private forests in mountainous areas tend not to be uniform. The number of planned forestry operations actually conducted by the Forest Owners' Association declined to almost half over the 10years studied and covered less than two-thirds of the area included in the Toei Forest Improvement Plan. Forestry operations tended to be concentrated near roads, and tended to be lacking in areas more than 300 m from a road, at elevations over 800 m asl,or on slopes exceeding 90%. We estimated the utilization ratio of each kind of road in conducting forestry operations. Compared with their relative numbers, the utilization ratios of forest and strip roads were high, although public roads were utilized the most. It is said that public and forest roads complement each other in terms of conducting operations and reglonal road traffic. Although public roads involve some constraints and are not designed primarily for forestry operations,it is clear that public roads must be utilized due to the lack of forestry roads. New strip roads were confirmed to have the greatest effect on conducting forestry operations, and they have immediate results in promoting forest improvement, while they are less expensive than forest roads. The importance of strip roads in forestry is very great, and strip roads should be the main part of any road network improvement. The length of new roads required to keep the entire forest healthy is 7.1 m/ha, which would cost from 0.72 to 4.5 billion yen for road construction, depending on the ratio of new forest roads. At the present rate of construction, it would take more than half a century to achieve the target road density. Considering the condition of forest resources and current forestry operations, half a century is too long to wait for the target road densities to be achieved. Forest resources are deteriorating because of non-uniform tending. Consequently, it is imperative that each new road be allocated most efficiently with the goal of maximum quantitative efects, rather than simply moving toward an overall target quantity. In Chapter 3, the methods used to improve forests and the road network over a 10-year period were examined, taking three factors into consideration: forest resources, forest improvement, and road access. Forest sub-compartments were classified into four categories using cluster analysis: 1) well managed and accessible, 2) poorly managed despite accessibility, 3) poorly managed and inaccessible, or 4) mature forest not needing tending. The relative areas of categories 1 to 4 were 30, 50, 20, and <1%, respectively. It is important to consider both the treatment of each forest stand and the allocation of forest stands at both the local and watershed-area levels. The different subcompartment categories are scattered throughout the forest, and the allocation of each category of forest sub-compartment is a consideration for planning future forest management, because it is impossible to manage the entire forest over the short term with current forestry operations. The discrimination analysis showed that the boundary of the forest improvement index between categories 1 and 2, which were categorized as good and poor in terms of forest improvement, was 0.4, and the ratio averaged 0.6 for category 1, which was classified as well managed. An examination of the change in category from 1996 to 2000 using the discriminant obtained showed that although road construction was an efficient way to improve forest, the sub-compartments that improved as a result of road construction constituted less than 10% of all sub-compartments in which forest was improved over those 5 years. Forest improvement tends to be lacking over the entire forest, and it is desirable to promote forestry road construction actively to promote forest improvement. This forest classification method provides important information for planning forest and road network improvements. Moreover, as the discrimination analysis revealed forest conditions over a 10-year period, future forest conditions could be predicted by calculating the future composition of forest resources, enabling improved planning of road access and forest improvements. In Chapter 4, the road routes and order of road construction were planned based on current foresry operations, including thinning and other tending operations. As a result, 189 alternative road routes were planned at a total cost of about 960 million yen; strip roads were planned to complement forest roads and are expected to affect forestry operations. The road construction should reduce the access distance and labor requirements to almost half that for the previous 10 years. Even if only the top 30 km of planned roads were built, which equals the length of the roads constructed over the previous 10 years, at a cost of about 270 million yen, the expected reduction in labor would exceed 30%, while the roads constructed over the previous 10 years had a minimal effect on work sites. The plan would allow intensive forest management because many worrk sites would be within 100 m of the planned roads. The problems in plannlng the existing road network relate to the lack of an overall plan and fragmented development. As our plan is based on evaluating forestry operations that have actually been conducted by the Forest Owners' Association within a local authority area, it should be a valuable tool for forest management at the local authority level. Therefore, our method should constitute a useful tool, enabling town offices or Forest Owners' Associations to make more realistic Forest lmprovement Plans to improve the management of privately owned forests in combination with the forest classification method presented in Chapter3. In Chapter 5, three methods were applied in three local authority areas in the Toyo River watershed, in Aichi Prefecture, from the viewpoint of a watershed forest management system. The area of forestry operations has decreased drastically, a tendency that was greater in upstream areas. The access distance to worksites, which strongly affects forestry operations, was the longest in the mid-stream area, followed by the upstream and down stream areas, in order. From 1997 on, the mean access distance to worksites decreased drastically in the upstream areas along with the decrease in domestic timber prices. The average difference in access distance between the entire forest and worksites tended to increase. In the mid-stream area, the mean access distance to worksites remained high, although the difference between the entire-forest and worksite access distances tended to decline because of new road construction. Downstream, although the mean access distance for worksites tended to decrease over the 10-year study period, that distance remained generally stable after 1997. The downstream region also had the smallest difference between the entire-forest and worksite access distances. The lowest target road density was calculated for the mid-stream area, followed by the upstream and down stream areas. A quantitative evaluation of the improvements in forests and roads over the past 10 years showed that the forest in the midstream area was most improved, followed by the upstream and downstream areas in order. Consequently, in the upstream and midstream areas, improved,uniformly allocated road networks should improve the forest management efficiency. By contrast, in the downstream area, the road density already exceeds 30 m/ha and the calculated target density is the highest since the lowest level of forestry operations is conducted there, and extension activity aimed at forest improvements is more important than improving the road network, which is already sufficient. Therefore, in the Toyo River watershed, forest management based on forest and road network improvements tends to be lacking, and concerns focus on the problems related to forest management, such as decreasing mountain village populations, the increasing area of forest needing tending, and drought. Although the utilization of thinned wood has been promoted, it is difficult to transport cheap thinned wood from upstream areas to timber markets downstream. Consequently, in the upstream areas, depending on accessibility, long-rotation management aimed at high product quality, large diameter timber, and multi-story or mixed forest systems, which have large public benefts, is desirable. It is especially necessary to establish a social system that recycles resources, such as thinned woods being consumed in the local area. By contrast, in the midstream area, where transportation costs are low and the condition of the forest is relatively good, and downstream, where the road density is already sufficient, forest management that emphasizes timber production tied to the timber market is desirable, because the recent economic slump has not affected it very much. Many forests in the Toyo River watershed are currently classified as soil and water conservation forests, however, the efects of this classification are minimal, and forest stand allocation appropriate to each function is important. In our study, we concluded that forest function depended markedly on the location within the watershed area,and the use in current forestry operations differed from the existing forest zoning. We proposed a watershed forest management plan for the Toyo River watershed that emphasizes public use upstream and timber production midstream and downstream. In this study, We emphasize the importance of road network improvement for promoting forest improvement, based on an analysis of current forestry operations using a forest register database that included tending history. Curreently, forest management tends to center on the Forest Owners' Associations or other forestry enterprises under the Forest Planning System. In the future, it will be more closely controlled by the Forest Owners' Associations, because forest owners in Japan are becoming less concerned with forest management as they become older and move elsewhere. Nevertheless, there tends to be insufficient forest care within areas where forestry operations are conducted only by the Forest Owners' Associations. To improve forests, it is necessary not only to construct new forestry roads but also to establish operating and timber distribution systems that correspond to each local area to maximize the recycling of resources. To this end, it is important to share information between the government and Forest Owners' Association within a local area, and also among local authorities and residents in dfferent areas of the watershed. Furthermore,it is essential to develop an intelligence infrastructure that makes use of the geographic information system (GIS) and to establish a framework to operate the GIS. Within this framework, this study established the need to promote road construction for forest improvement, and to build a consensus for uniform forest management among the people involved within the watershed areas with the adoption of an environment tax., 農林水産研究情報センターで作成したPDFファイルを使用している。}, pages = {85--126}, title = {森林施業の実態に基づいた森林基盤設備に関する研究}, volume = {24}, year = {2005} }