@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006992, author = {TAKEDA, Yasuo and 竹田, 泰雄 and KATAOKA, Jun and 片岡, 順 and IIDA, Osamu and 飯田, 修 and TANAKA, Tanafumi and 田中, 隆文}, journal = {名古屋大学農学部演習林報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {地形解析により斜面を傾斜変換帯とそれ以外の地域に分け、それぞれの地域における崩壊発生頻度、崩壊面積、上部変換線から崩壊発生位置までの距離について検討した。その結果、傾斜変換帯の上部地域に崩壊が多発していることが明らかになった。また土壌の深さについては、崩壊地の上部で厚く、下部で薄くなっているが、崩壊地に近接する未崩壊斜面では逆の傾向がみられた。これらを総合して、表層土壌の深さの不均一さが、傾斜変換帯上部における浸透水の集中と崩壊の発生に密接に関係していると考えられた。従って、傾斜変換帯あるいは上部傾斜変換線は、山地における崩壊危険地帯予知の1つの有用な指標になりうると判断された。, The mountain slope was divided into two parts, the rectilinear zone and curvilinear zone (the convex or concave zone) by analyzing topographical maps. The frequency and size of slope failure and its position from the upper inflection contour line were studied in regard with the rectilinear or curvilinear zone of the mountain slope. It was then made clear that many slope failures were distributed in the upper part of the rectilinear zone of slope. The measurement of soil condition showed that the surface soil layer was generally deep at the upper part of slope failure and was shallow at the lower part. On the other hand, the depth of the surface soil on nearby nonfailed slopes was quite reverse to the above mentioned situation. From these analyses, it was concluded that the disproportion in the depth of the surface soil layer was closely related to the concentration of infiltrated water and the occurrence of slope failures at the upper part of the rectilinear zone of slope. The rectilinear zone of slope or the upper inflection contour line could probably be a very useful index for predicting the dangerous area of slope failure occurrence in the mountain., 農林水産研究情報センターで作成したPDFファイルを使用している。}, pages = {22--31}, title = {Slope failure in the rectilinear zone of hillsides}, volume = {9}, year = {1987} }