@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006998, author = {SUKARDJO, Sukristijono and HAGIHARA, Akio and 萩原, 秋男 and YAMAKURA, Takuo and 山倉, 拓夫 and OGAWA, Husato and 小川, 房人}, journal = {名古屋大学農学部演習林報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {東カリマンタン(インドネシア)のスプルウにある低地フタバガキ林の植物種組成を調べた。調査面積1.0ha内に存在する、胸高直径10cm以上の植物個体すべてに個体番号を付けた。調査面積の半分の0.5haに関しては、胸高直径4.5cm以上の個体すべてに番号を付け、立木位置図を作成した。胸高断面積合計は、37.3㎡ha^‐1と推定された。フタバガキ科は、個体数では全体の9.4%を占めているにすぎなかったが、胸高断面積では全体の40%を占めていた。胸高直径10cm以上の1.0ha調査区内に、47科、127属、275種、592個体が存在した(3種、19個体の木性つる植物と1種、24個体のヤシを含む)。胸高直径4.5cm以上の0.5ha調査区内に、48科、141属、320種、818個体が存在した(10属、12種、45個体の木性つる植物、1種、13個体のヤシ、1個体のタコノキを含む)。, Floristic composition was examined in a tall virgin tropical lowland evergreen rain forest dominated by Dipterocarpaceae in Sebulu, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. A sample plot of 1.0 ha was established in the forest stand. All plant individuals (dbh ≧10 cm) were labeled, and their dbhs and species names were recorded. in addition to the individuals, small individuals (4.5 ≦ dbh < 10 cm) in the half of the plot were labeled and mapped, and their dbhs were recorded with the species names. total basal area was estimated to be 37.3 ㎡ha^-1. Forty percent of the total basal area was provided by the Dipterocarpaceae, whose number amounted to only 9.4% of the total number of individuals. Five hundred and ninety-two individuals with dbh above 10 cm were enumerated in the 1.0 ha sample plot, those which belonged to 276 species of 127 genera of 47 families (including 19 woody climbers of 3 species and 24 palms of 1 species). Eight hundred and eighteen individuals with dbh above 4.5 cm were enumerated in the 0.5 ha sample plot, those which belonged to 320 species of 141 genera of 48 families (including 45 woody climbers of 12 species of 10 genera, 13 palms of 1 species, and 1 pandan)., 農林水産研究情報センターで作成したPDFファイルを使用している。}, pages = {1--44}, title = {Floristic composition of a tropical rain forest in Indonesian Borneo}, volume = {10}, year = {1990} }