@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007000, author = {川上, 日出國 and KAWAKAMI, Hidekuni and 坂野, 弘美 and BANNO, Hiroharu and 沓名, 重明 and KUTUNA, Sigeaki}, journal = {名古屋大学農学部演習林報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {前報で林床上14ヶ月にわたるスギリター有機組成分の生分解について報告した。今回は更に林床上で18ヶ月以降、38ヶ月まで生分解させたA系列スギリターの有機組成分の分析を行った。これとは別に林床への設置を1ヵ年遅らせたB系列の試料も分析した。リターの抽出成分および炭水化物の変動は分解初期に大きく、後期には小さかった。一方、クチンは比較的易分解性で20~30ヶ月で完全に分解された。リターのKlasonリグニン値の変動は生分解の初期に大きく、また後期には約60%前後の値に達するがそのリグニン中には窒素が1%以上含有されていた。チオグリコール酸法でリターのリグニン含量を定量するとKlasonリグニンのほぼ半量の値となるがチオグリコール酸リグニン中にも0.8%の窒素が含まれていた。針葉およびリターの過大なKlasonリグニン値は共存する含窒素化合物の影響が推定される。これを確かめるためタンパク質、アミノ酸、プリン塩基をそれぞれKlason処理しても沈殿は得られなかった。タンパク質を摩砕リグニンと共存させ酸処理を行うと過大なKlasonリグニン値が得られた。腐植物質もタンパク質と類似の行動をとりKlason処理によりリグニンと共沈するものと推定された。, In the preceding paper, we reported the biodegradation of organic components of Japanese cedar leaf litter on the forest for up to 14 months. This time also keep to investigating the biodegradation of organic components of the leaf litter for 18 to 38 months, the final period of biodegradation (A series). Alternative leaf samples in litter bag put on the forest floor after 1 year were also analysed (B series). The extractives and carbohydrates of the leaf litters changed largely in early time of biodegradation and little changes were found in final period. On the other hand, cutin was relatively easily degraded and completely decomposed in 20 to 30 months. Klason lignin contents of the leaf litters changed largely in the first period of biodegradation and contents was reached about 60% in the final period of biodegradation. The Klason lignin contained 1% or more nitrogen. The lignin contents of the leaf litter on the thioglycolic acid method showed one half of the Klason lignin content. The thioglycolic lignin, however, contained 0.8% of nitrogen. The excess values of the Klason lignin form neadle leaves and leaf litters might be attributed to the influences of co-existant nitrogen containing compounds. To make sure this assumption, protein, amino acids, and purine bases were treated with sulfuric acid (Klason method), respectively, and no precipitation was founded. It was clarified that when the proteins co-existed with milled wood lignin, the excess values of Klason lignin contents were occured. It is assumed that humic substances which contained nitrogen generally lesser extent than proteins, behaves like protein and occures co-precipitation with milled wood lignin or precipitation itself on Klason treatment., 農林水産研究情報センターで作成したPDFファイルを使用している。}, pages = {51--58}, title = {スギ落葉有機組成分の生分解(第2報) : 2年および3年経過リターの組成分について}, volume = {10}, year = {1990} }