@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007132, author = {東江, 日出郎 and AGARIE, Hideo}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Aug}, note = {Recent studies of Philippine local politics have a tendency to focus only on rich local bosses or strongmen, explaining its modality and shift, and political machine and violence. However, research on the reformist-oriented non-traditional local politicians needs proper academic attention to know the plural trends of Philippine local politics. This study focuses upon a woman politician whose loose coalition of NGOs, POs, independent professionals, and labor union as a political support structure gave her a mayorship twice. The author believes it symbolizes the new style local politics in the Philippines defeating rich traditional politician. The vital factor of her victory was the new style cooperation among member groups of the coalition with clever electoral tactics including utilization of mass communication and grass-roots movement. However, the coalition collapsed because of the lack of effort to keep the coalition intact and traditional problems as graft and corruption issues, spoils system, and patronage among coalition groups. This experience will be able to contribute to understanding of those non-traditional politicians as an alternative political trend to establish the politics based on the policy and ideology.}, pages = {51--69}, title = {フィリピン地方都市における非伝統的政治のダイナミクス - 非伝統的政治家の可能性と限界 -}, volume = {35}, year = {2007} }