@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007412, author = {長谷川, 達也 and HASEGAWA, Tatsuya and 高井, 雄一郎 and TAKAI, Yuichiro and 土井, 晋太郎 and DOI, Shintaro and 中村, 隆 and NAKAMURA, Takashi and 前田, 知宏 and MAEDA, Tomohiro}, issue = {673}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集 C編}, month = {Sep}, note = {Laser lap welding of PMMA was numerically simulated on the basis of heat transfer equation. When the laser energy was converted into heat only at the transparent/opaque thermoplastic interface, the energy flux necessary for a fixed temperature increase was proportional to the -0.5 power of the irradiation time of laser. This relation was exactly the same as that predicted by dimensional analysis, while it was different from the experimental results with a power index of -0.7. When the laser energy was absorbed and converted into heat in the opaque thermoplastic plate and radiated from the interface, the energy flux become close to the experimental data and proportional to the -0.7 power of the irradiation time.}, pages = {2756--2761}, title = {レーザによる熱可塑性プラスチックのラップ接合 (第3報, 数値シミュレーションによる接合条件の検討)}, volume = {68}, year = {2002} }