@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007422, author = {田中, 英一 and TANAKA, Eiichi and 山本, 創太 and YAMAMOTO, Sota and 尾関, 重宣 and OZEKI, Shigenobu and 水野, 幸治 and MIZUNO, Koji and 原田, 敦 and HARADA, Atsushi and 水野, 雅士 and MIZUNO, Masashi}, issue = {697}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集 A編}, month = {Sep}, note = {In order to prevent hip fracture among the elderly, hip protectors are expected to be one of the most effective methods. In the present paper, we performed dynamic finite element analyses to elucidate the mechanism of hip fracture prevention by hip protectors and to suggest a design guide. Firstly, we constructed an elderly Japanese female finite element model. The femur, soft tissue of thigh and the other body segments were incorporated into the model. Then various types of protectors were modeled, and the analyses to simulate fall were carried out by using them. The results of the simulations showed that a hollow structure pad was effective for fracture prevention, and that the mechanism of fracture prevention is not only the attenuation of impact by hip pad, but also the reduction of load on the greater trochanter due to load distribution to the surrounding soft tissue.}, pages = {1193--1200}, title = {ヒッププロテクタによる大腿骨頸部転倒骨折予防の生体力学的検討}, volume = {70}, year = {2004} }